Hi there, my conversion project is making progress, so I'd welcome some advice now on making the connections to the controller, specifically the battery cables and the motor phase wires.
I read on another thread about the perils of poor connections, and that generally bullet connectors aren't highly thought of. What's a good alternative for the relatively high current battery cables? I've no knowledge in this area so I've been doing some googling and come across mention of an EC3 connector, which looks as though it might be suitable. Another possibility seems to be a KT60? I'd prefer not to simply solder, as then the battery will be permanently connected to the controller unless the wires are cut.
Also are there any suggestions for the 3 phase wires from the motor? Although I might just solder those anyway, since there's already a connector at the other end (the waterproof 9 pin plug).
Thanks in advance
I read on another thread about the perils of poor connections, and that generally bullet connectors aren't highly thought of. What's a good alternative for the relatively high current battery cables? I've no knowledge in this area so I've been doing some googling and come across mention of an EC3 connector, which looks as though it might be suitable. Another possibility seems to be a KT60? I'd prefer not to simply solder, as then the battery will be permanently connected to the controller unless the wires are cut.
Also are there any suggestions for the 3 phase wires from the motor? Although I might just solder those anyway, since there's already a connector at the other end (the waterproof 9 pin plug).
Thanks in advance