Hi All, I hope you can help me with what to wear in the rain as my choice has failed miserably. I did a little video below to show how badly it went but in summary my waterproof jacket and waterproof over trousers didn't seem to work very well. In addition, my feet got soaking wet as did my gloves. My head got wet too but as I don't have any hair to worry about i'm not too fussed about that.
For those whose commute daily to work how do you deal with the wet? do you just get wet and change into a completetly seperate set of clothes at destination or have you found a solution that actually works?
I bought two Regatta products, the Regatta Men's Magnitude 4 Waterproof Jacket which is a lightweight waterproof overjacket and the Regatta Stormbreak OverTrousers thinking these would work but they didn't do particularly well. Any help or advice on how approach cycling in the rain is greatly appreciated.
For those whose commute daily to work how do you deal with the wet? do you just get wet and change into a completetly seperate set of clothes at destination or have you found a solution that actually works?
I bought two Regatta products, the Regatta Men's Magnitude 4 Waterproof Jacket which is a lightweight waterproof overjacket and the Regatta Stormbreak OverTrousers thinking these would work but they didn't do particularly well. Any help or advice on how approach cycling in the rain is greatly appreciated.