Thanks for all that Flecc - I'll put all the info. in the pot and see if I can get a feasible plan.You'll be very welcome anytime Peter, Torq, Twist and Quando II for trial. A run out together with Torq and Quando to some of the hills would enable direct comparison. See below*.
It does 10% easily for my 74 kilos and will also climb 12% unassisted, and can even do an unassisted restart on 12%. Because you're heavier, you'd need to try those for yourself.
Where extended climbing is concerned, NiMh every time, since it will never suffer cutout until empty.
Your 6' 3" is a problem here though Peter. The Quando II is only suitable for up to 6', it would have to be the suspended Quando I. Since that has bungee rear suspension it has a limited small 10 kilo carrier, not enough for touring, unlike the full size 25 kilo one on the Quando II.
Strange how so many, particularly when young, wish they were tall?I've always been pleased that I'm 5' 6", since it makes life so easy. Beds, chairs, cars etc, never any problem with getting a fit, and I'm just tall enough for bikes and motorbikes. Easier to hide when things go wrong too.
*I have a list of carefully measured test inclines:
Ctwd to F.D. Cresc - - - - - 0.5% - - - - 1 in 200
Ctwd to Sels Pk Rd .- - - - -1.5% - - - - 1 in 65
Courtwood Lane - - - - - - - 2% . - - - - 1 in 50
Lodge Lane - - - - - - - - - 5.5% - - - - 1 in 18
Pixton Way . - - - - - - - - - 6% - - - - - 1 in 17
Bardolph outgoing - - - - - - 7% - - - - - 1 in 14
Bardolph incoming - - - - - - 10% - - - - -1 in 10
Sorrel bank . - - - - - - - - - 10% - - - - -1 in 10
Peacock Gardens - - - - - - -12% - - - - -1 in 8
Markfield Hill - - - - - - - - - -14% - - - - -1 in 7
Markfield Path - - - - - - - - -17% - - - - -1 in 6
Markfield Lwr Path . - - - - - -22% - - - - -1 in 4.5
all within 1.5 mile radius.
The Croydon Alpes!