You can get them from BMSBattery too, which is where I get mine from.
After looking at it again and some other listings, I think that other one is a standard 20Ah LiFePO4 battery. The guy has just added "Samsung" because that's what a lot of people want. Naughty really. The charger has an internal adjuster to set it to the correct 58.6v, so that's not a big problem really, but the main thing is the extra 3.3kg on top of a 09 bottle battery and the shear size of it.
There's been a few instances of people buying big LiFePO4 batteries like that that didn't work because the cells in the corners got squished due to the weight when they were handled badly. Personally, I think LiFePO4 has had its day for electric bicycles. It maybe still OK for a trike, when you can fit it low under the seat.