This little episode highlights the dangers for all those with non-compliant bicycles. Given the increasingly litigious nature of society today, those who ride around on unregistered motor vehicles, pretending they are using EAPCs, risk the kind of claim the dog walker faced in this incident.
This case produced a favourable outcome for the injured cyclist as the dog walker had insurance which covered just such an eventuality. It's a two-way street though, (no pun intended) and when a pedestrian or indeed anyone injured in a collision or any event involving a cyclist with an electrically powered machine decides to seek recourse in law, then that cyclist, if that term is still correct, could well face a massive payout.
I am unaware of any insurance company which provides cover for acts of illegality and riding the kind of non-compliant machine, euphemistically referred to by some as an EAPC, in publicly accessible areas is clearly an offence, indeed several offences. I'll stick to my very able, legal EAPC!