I've just treated myself to a brand new Smartabike called Model LX8
I'm still grinning from the buzz I get from riding around getting used to it, but I'm suddenly aware that I know nothing about the way modern bikes have strange band-brakes on the back wheel and the gears are a very long way from the Sturmey Archer 3-Speed type of my youth and look nothing like a Shimano setup.
It has an 8 speed hub gear and I'm reluctant to undo anything if I should wish to remove the back wheel to have a new tyre fitted for fear of not being able to get it back together again. The Handbook doesn't cover the running gear of the bike, only the electrics. I've worked out how to remove the front wheel and disconnect the wiring from the hub motor, once I made a call to the Retailer so that bit's sorted. Perhaps I really should let an expert do the job for me, but I like to be fairly independent of paying labour charges when I might be able to DIY with a little patience.
I wish there was a diagram guide or pictorial one where the parts I should undo are shown and how to adjust them when re-assembling.
I want to fit a pair of puncture resistant tyres but I don't know if the wheel comes out leaving the gears behind or whether I have to remove a lever; cable; bolt etc and then how do I disconnect the hub gear so it can still work through gears 1-8 properly when I put it back?
Anyone out there done this job already and could point me in the direction of what not to play about with.
I notice the chain isn't of the split-able spring-link type, it's continuous like a motorcycle chain so links would need a link-extractor and re-riveter to join it back up, so it must be possible to remove the wheel without separating the chain. It's all a bit scary. So I thought I'd ask on here to see if someone with expert knowledge can tell me how easy it is (or should be) providing I don't go and snap something under warranty!
I'm still grinning from the buzz I get from riding around getting used to it, but I'm suddenly aware that I know nothing about the way modern bikes have strange band-brakes on the back wheel and the gears are a very long way from the Sturmey Archer 3-Speed type of my youth and look nothing like a Shimano setup.
It has an 8 speed hub gear and I'm reluctant to undo anything if I should wish to remove the back wheel to have a new tyre fitted for fear of not being able to get it back together again. The Handbook doesn't cover the running gear of the bike, only the electrics. I've worked out how to remove the front wheel and disconnect the wiring from the hub motor, once I made a call to the Retailer so that bit's sorted. Perhaps I really should let an expert do the job for me, but I like to be fairly independent of paying labour charges when I might be able to DIY with a little patience.
I wish there was a diagram guide or pictorial one where the parts I should undo are shown and how to adjust them when re-assembling.
I want to fit a pair of puncture resistant tyres but I don't know if the wheel comes out leaving the gears behind or whether I have to remove a lever; cable; bolt etc and then how do I disconnect the hub gear so it can still work through gears 1-8 properly when I put it back?
Anyone out there done this job already and could point me in the direction of what not to play about with.
I notice the chain isn't of the split-able spring-link type, it's continuous like a motorcycle chain so links would need a link-extractor and re-riveter to join it back up, so it must be possible to remove the wheel without separating the chain. It's all a bit scary. So I thought I'd ask on here to see if someone with expert knowledge can tell me how easy it is (or should be) providing I don't go and snap something under warranty!