You need to explain more what you're trying to do.
If all you want to do is change the 810 green wire output voltage, you can (not easy though), but I'm not sure what effect that has. You can test it with a 10k pot. Connect the two ends to ground and any 5v, then connect the wiper to the green wire. You can then test what happens at different voltages. My gut feel is that it works in steps, but that green wire might just work like a secondary throttle input up to 3.8v, then drop down to 4 mph at 4v.
Another way is to use two throttles. take the spring out of one so that it stays in position. Parallel them so that you have an either/or situation and use your Arduino to control a transistor or relay that enables the signal wire on the one without the spring when it detects pedal sensor input. That way you have a continuously variable speed control on the pedal sensor. If you use a relay, don't forget the diode to discharge the back emf.
The 810 green wire output voltages come from simple voltage dividers, so you would need to change the resistors. They're surface mount and tiny, so quite a delicate job.