i was the original poster of the guarantee problems with my battery . i recieved a brand new battery on thursday as promised by scott. when the driver gave it me he explained it was completely his fault and apologized. he has delivered many parcels to my house and the morning he was supposed to deliver my original battery he had a brain fart his words. he was behind time and stressed to the max turned down the wrong lane he was extra busy and dropped the parcel at a neighbours house 1/4 mile away. same post code. the nieghbour has a very similar surname to me he was on holiday and had the builders in R .GRITTHIS builders. the man who sighned for the parcel. when the nieghbour came back from holiday the battery was there. this put 50 cycles and me in a tense situation, they might have thought understandably that i was trying it on to get a spare battery. i thought whats all this got to do with me the batterys gone missing and got annoyd. so in the interest of fair play i will say their guarantee IS good and it was a cock up by TNT i have seen recent post about worrys over 50 cycles guarantee it is now my opinion theres nothing to worry about mick