The stupid car driver swung slightly left before making the right turn. That's a common problem with many drivers. In this instance the cyclist was entirely faultless (might have been filtering on a wing and a prayer, but not his accident).
It's not a driving fault that's as common as it used to be, especially inside heavily-used areas and I'd be willing to bet the driver is from out of town or foreign from a place that's less heavily-trafficked.
as above, the driver wasn't intending to turn, and was within their own lane - the bus was in the next lane - nobody would expect another vehicle to be between their car and the bus beside them. The Cyclist had been passing on the left of the car AND the right of the bus, where he shouldn't have been. He was riding in the drivers blind spot and between 2 lanes. The drivers movements were within the drivers lane.
Entirely the cyclists fault.