That's a good price for a new FDM printer, looks like a nice machine and has ABL! I nearly bought an Elegoo Mars resin printer cpl yrs back for printing 1:32 slot car bodies, managed to talk myself out of it though due to the hassle of the chemicals involved.A new Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro direct from Elegoo at £173 inc delivery plus 1kg of PLA
All the normal service parts are available on aliexpress, like any other printer:That Bambu X1 is a lovely printer however you can see where the money has gone, inbuilt camera, enclosure, multiple spool capability, large touchsceen etc., I certainly wouldn't say no to one however couldn't really justify spending that amount of cash when you don't need to.
And when you get your first clog you still need to take it apart to troubleshoot. Just like the most advance photocopiers, they still cannot fix their own jams.
How to check which part is clogged
Biggest concern I'd have is that it's all proprietary tech/firmware and I don't know how repairable it is or if they make available parts aftermarket (boards etc.). With Prusas and Creality etc. there are loads of spares available and when they eventually dry up non-working printers for parts can be scavenged from ebay.
Anyway, looking forward to see what you've been up to.
The win is from the convenience. Everything is automatic. Just press the print button. I've never done anything more than that, and I've only had one bad print out of about 50, when it lost first layer adhesion because I forgot to re-enable support after I switched it off to see the difference. During printing, it saw the fault and aborted because it has automatic visual monitoring of the print and will respond accordingly. That's both in the setup and while printing. It has automatic self-levelling. It has automatic feeding of filaments, so you can use multiple colours and materials during a print. It has a complete self-testing and diagnosis system. It'll even check that you build plate is on straight. Every fault that anybody gets is fed back to a global diagnosis system that makes software changes to the printing and slicing algorithms. It even tests vibration at different frequencies to see how much it moves, and it compensates for the movement in its print algorithms. It's also the fastest printer in that size and price range.I had a look too and yes does seems lot of parts kits available, however for a £1K printer (vs £250 printer), that still needs serviced the same, where's the win?
The number of 3-D printers you need is N+1, where N is the number you already have.The Bambu P1P (pretty much a X1 minus bells & whistles), is available online for £460....nuts...might have to have a word with Santa...![]()
You should 3d print yourself a jawguarded Halo or Optimus Prime helmet, or bigger jaws like Jaws from Bond 10 and take big bites out of obstacles. Why not start a Transformers counterfeit operation? Print resolution creeps ever higher. You could increase your stash of gold bars before the black ninja helicopters getcha.i need more power![]()
> After a test piece like a benchy (and then some tuning if needed), then I'll be looking into making some small project boxes similar to the Vero style that I used to buy from Maplins. (I've a Rasberry Pi and some Arduino laying around that I would like to put to good use).What's the first thing you're going to print?
Ha, do you live on the second floor or above? Evri have such a bad rep already...can see them going back to Hermes....> As I write Evri have scheduled then cancelled delivery 3 times since Saturday - on the Saturday they even took a pic of my road just 70m from my house so I'm wondering if the parcel has gone missing as in the parcel was on the driver's pick list but not in the van?
I did try looking for Cura 4.x but the best I came up with was a github repository which tbh didn't seem to have any executables in it.Cura 4.x should install OK on your Win10 PC.
Evri was just a name change from Hermes who are still the owners. Maybe they need another name change to say YBL (as in You'll Be Lucky)!Ha, do you live on the second floor or above? Evri have such a bad rep already...can see them going back to Hermes....![]()