They should come with a China motor wheel, I had several but due to decreasing storage space I binned them except them two, I used them to post off my motor & he kindly reused them for the wheel return & as I pointed out to my missus, yes they did come in handy, I told her they would...You should see my box of packaging materials, it's a thing of awe & wonder, Cex rubbish is a good source of quality packaging, order something, return it and you get a massive amount of package for the cost of delivery & on the odd occasion the ordered product might actually be worth keeping YMMV.white circular packing material around both ends of the axle
His pics not mine, if I had that set up & skill to own such a device, I would of done the build myself. I have a small rented flat that is terribly cold when the heating goes off & if my tool box needs to see the light of day, everyone is in trouble if I am not fixing the bike & most would even question my certification to safely fix that!I see a truing stand in your viking ship/log cabin
As for the warranty, by the feels of the build quality I doubt I would need a true, most times with a China wheel once was enough. + the LBS charges £30 for a true, so apart from the obvious net zero carbon issue of the LBS cost savings out way the pollution. I am too fat to go up and down huge curbs, although there is one end of bridge slope where I can get air & yes I do poo myself if its too fast or too much air.