

Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 24, 2010
london trying to calm traffic but police not interested !!!!!!!!!!!
2011- did police take this onboard ????

2012.....city of london now also discussing...but no support yet from boris..........
I guess with all the cut backs and increasing anti-social behaviour problems police are facing, policing a 20mph zone would be difficult and costly.. surely there's a technological solution to policing this? Some camera and gadget which clocks who is breaking the 20mph limit and zips off their details to the court for court proceedings or fixed penalty notice by post.

Surely though, just having the signs up and some "camera in operation" or something will deter most people have some benefit, even if the odd one ignores it.


Jul 7, 2008
we have a good few 20 mph restrictions around where we live in S'arth London...but what happens when you comply, is you are tailgated by nutters in an ever ending panic to get to next red light......:confused::rolleyes:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 17, 2010
I guess with all the cut backs and increasing anti-social behaviour problems police are facing, policing a 20mph zone would be difficult and costly.. surely there's a technological solution to policing this? Some camera and gadget which clocks who is breaking the 20mph limit and zips off their details to the court for court proceedings or fixed penalty notice by post.

Surely though, just having the signs up and some "camera in operation" or something will deter most people have some benefit, even if the odd one ignores it.
maybe some cyclists doing more than 20mph ??.......(or even some ebikers !!!!!)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2012
maybe some cyclists doing more than 20mph ??.......(or even some ebikers !!!!!)
No law against cycling over 20mph in a 20 zone ;) .. conditions likely mean you have to drop it down though.

The thing which really annoys me more than a bit of car speeding is when they tailgate you even when you're cycling at nearly the speed they are driving, overtake dangerously to get ahead as you approach the next lights, then brake sharply, pull in front of you so close to the kerb that you can't get past without getting off, wheeling your bike round them over the pavement, re-mounting and carrying on past the long line of cars the offending driver is now stuck behind. It's happened a few times lately in rush hour. FFS what's the point of it ? Not as if they are capable of going anywhere fast anyway ... and hate to say it but it's been women doing this on every occasion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oct 25, 2006
No law against cycling over 20mph in a 20 zone ;) .. conditions likely mean you have to drop it down though.

The thing which really annoys me more than a bit of car speeding is when they tailgate you even when you're cycling at nearly the speed they are driving, overtake dangerously to get ahead as you approach the next lights, then brake sharply, pull in front of you so close to the kerb that you can't get past without getting off, wheeling your bike round them over the pavement, re-mounting and carrying on past the long line of cars the offending driver is now stuck behind. It's happened a few times lately in rush hour. FFS what's the point of it ? Not as if they are capable of going anywhere fast anyway ... and hate to say it but it's been women doing this on every occasion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've very often had exactly the same experience with women drivers Alex, on one occasion coming alongside me close behind a slow moving bus and then squeezing me towards the pavement to force me to go behind her. In fact I managed to jump in front just as the bus pulled forwards towards the traffic lights ahead and I then took the centre position to prevent her doing it again. Her response in the stationary queue was to start repeatedly calling out to me to get into the edge of the road, despite it being too narrow for that!!!. I took no notice of course, and then had the satisfaction of seeing her stall her engine when we set off. I got across the lights ok but she didn't get it started in time!

I can only think from their behaviour that it's an automatic unthinking response, i.e. bikes are slower than cars so they should be behind me. That's a charitable view, I can think of some much less charitable reasons.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 12, 2011
Yeah - had 20mph zones in residential areas in Lancashire for a while now (though not Blackpool, as it's a seperate Unitary authority, thank God!). Police have stated numerous times they'll only actively enforce it in response to residents compliants - which they say they aren't getting that many of.

It's almost as if the Council implemented these blanket limits without finding out if the residents actually wanted them ;)
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Oct 25, 2006
It's almost as if the Council implemented these blanket limits without finding out if the residents actually wanted them ;)
We actually did get leafleted by our Croydon Council asking for views when they proposed a 20 limit with traffic calming ramps past the local primary school. Given that we had a proportion of nutters who thought 50 mph or 60 mph appropriate in this residential street on a family estate, many voted in favour. I did too and also asked for the four ramps to be as widely separated as the regulations allowed to spread the area of effect. Whether driving or riding I hate speed calming ramps, but not half as much as I hate the thought of a dead child.

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
Ours by the village school started when a council officer with a radar gun appeared and clocked the cars doing more than the then 30mph limit. All the kids in the playground were cheering.
Then the kids wrote letters to the offending drivers.
Next, a 20mph limit was set up and once, a Police Officer with a radar gun appeared.That was the last of Police enforcement!


Jul 7, 2008
In Spain they have the bumps and a young policeman stationed outside schools at opening and closing times..its simply the best deterrent you can imagine! Our road use still in the dark ages....


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 31, 2010
I can only think from their behaviour that it's an automatic unthinking response, i.e. bikes are slower than cars so they should be behind me. That's a charitable view, I can think of some much less charitable reasons.
It's penis envy, pure and simple.


Oct 25, 2006
Well, we think we've got car problems but consider this:

In Britain we now have 327 cars per square mile of land space.

In Guernsey they have 3551 cars per square mile, well over ten times our density! The mind boggles at the thought of over 87,000 cars on an island only 9 miles by 4 miles with a total population of under 62,000. They must let the babies drive cars!

You won't be surprised to know they are getting worried and looking for a way to limit the car numbers.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2012
I've very often had exactly the same experience with women drivers Alex, on one occasion coming alongside me close behind a slow moving bus and then squeezing me towards the pavement to force me to go behind her. In fact I managed to jump in front just as the bus pulled forwards towards the traffic lights ahead and I then took the centre position to prevent her doing it again. Her response in the stationary queue was to start repeatedly calling out to me to get into the edge of the road, despite it being too narrow for that!!!. I took no notice of course, and then had the satisfaction of seeing her stall her engine when we set off. I got across the lights ok but she didn't get it started in time!

I can only think from their behaviour that it's an automatic unthinking response, i.e. bikes are slower than cars so they should be behind me. That's a charitable view, I can think of some much less charitable reasons.
I can think of a few less charitable reasons too ! It might be a help if drivers could somehow be made aware that it's perfectly correct and OK for cyclists to take the centre position in many situations and when they do so not to try to overtake them. It does not constitute "weaving", it is a deliberate move for a very good reason !!!!!!

Today's frustrations came from cars (yes - all but one w***n again !) fully occupying the cycle box at over 80% of the traffic lights I crossed which had them. Actually seriously considering removing my Mirrycle bar end mirror too, meant to be helping my safety and road visibility, because cars and vans in particular pull in so close to the kerb I can't get past without risking clipping their wing mirrors even where there is a cycle lane. Would love to put some of them on a bike for a day in traffic and see whether it changes anything about the way they drive ! :rolleyes: Ah the joys of sharing the roads ....

In Guernsey they have 3551 cars per square mile, well over ten times our density! The mind boggles at the thought of over 87,000 cars on an island only 9 miles by 4 miles with a total population of under 62,000. They must let the babies drive cars!
A lot of them are likely 3rd or 4th cars stashed in rather salubrious garages ... but it's probably true that getting parked in St Peter Port is worse than London.

The Balearics and South of France in Summer are a real eye-opener too - although their problem is seasonal. Aside from the unbelievably reckless driving making cycling a death wish (mopeds are bad enough) the sheer density of cars in places like Palma, Ibiza Town and anywhere remotely near Nice on the French coast makes for a very interesting holiday - stuck in traffic ! Better at this time of year but in France it seems to rain for months so far batter off hopping over to the islands.

On a slightly divergent but happy note, was interested to see a load of eBikes being rented out in Formentera this year in addition to mopeds. It's a big thing over there. Reached only by ferry from Ibiza, it's a really beautiful place to go any time except mid-July-end August when there are literally hoardes of Italians racing around on the biggest motorbikes they can get their hands on. Pretty flat in most places too.

Ibiza itself is unbelievably beautiful for cycling and well worth a stopover too - loads of new cycle lanes this year and they have a number of rides and events which the local Councils sponsor - a world away from the stereotypical "Brits behaving badly" picture which gets painted on various TV shows. Very varied topography too so loads of interest. Plenty for all ages but obviously most would be happiest out of season when it's peaceful and roads are not full of wasted drivers and speeding taxis (2nd week October right through to middle of May). The valleys full of almond blossom on a sunny day in Spring are a truly beautiful sight. Seriously considering a trip out there early next year if finances permit :D


Finding my (electric) wheels
Oct 17, 2012
Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Bring in a law like they have in France, cars have to pass cyclists with 1m clearance in towns and 1.5m outside towns. Do that over here and then getting cyclists cylcing both ways in a 20mph limit about 1m from the kerb means cars would have lots of problems overtaking which would slow them down.