morphix - perfect example of leaping to conclusions without checking facts first......
That doesn't make it right or legal, still knowingly doing something illegal.
The only similarity is that you're trying to justify doing two things which are illegal. Simply because you don't agree with the law, or think it shouldn't apply to you? [
1. no it isn't - my carrying of a leatherman was perfectly legal in the circumstances and situation i was in at the time.
Well you said yourself it's illegal.
no i didn't - that was yamdude.
So you know this, and yet you risk a £5,000 fine and 4 years in prison?
no i didn't
apply this logic to the rest of the post, you're assumptions that because you can spot the difference, so can joe public, your ridiculous costs of motorcycling, and then find me this myseterious headline about multi-tools.? i don't think so.