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  1. C

    eZee conversion kit power surge, now dead

    Hi - I am using an eZee conversion kit on my trike and have gone quite a lot of distance with the little engine during the last year. This morning though, when riding, something bad happened. At first, the motor kept staying on even when I turned the throttle to zero. Tis happened a couple of...
  2. C

    Need advice: long range battery for Ezee kit motor

    Thank for the tip, John, I'll consider it, but its not mypreferred solution. Would I need to change the wiring and is that difficult? Regards Christian
  3. C

    Need advice: long range battery for Ezee kit motor

    Hi – I have been using the Ezee kit (EU) on my recumbent trike for half a year now with the 10 Ah battery that came with it. However, I am riding 30 kms each direction and need to charge the battery at my destination, which sucks, because it means I have to carry a charger with me and I need to...
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    Can't find 18 inch tyre - please advise

    Hi - I want to change the tires om the front wheels of my trike. I have been riding 60 kms 4 times a week for a couple of months with my Schwalbe Racers 18x1.5 and had two punctures so far. However, the winter season is coming up and while I managed to find a 20 inch studded tyre for my rear...
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    8 flashes on eZee kit how to solve/prevent

    Hi Folks - I found he solution to the above problem, and it was neither a faulty sensor - nor humidity. When the conversion kit was mounted at the factory, apparently a set of connectors from the controller to the motor had been packed inside a small connection box that I had taken to be a part...
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    Who has tried an electric trike?

    Hi - I am riding a tadpole configuration (two wheels front, one back) trike 2x30 kms to work every day and it is the best vehicle I have ever owned, so far. It is fun, easy, comfortable and fast. However, it is definitely not cheap. The trike in question is a Steintrikes Mungo Sport, fully...
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    8 flashes on eZee kit how to solve/prevent

    Hi - I have read the threads on this problem but I am not sure it solved my issue: I own a brand new recumbent trike equipped with an eZee conversion kit in ebike mode only. A couple of days ago I suddenly couldn't start my trike in the morning (ruined my whole day, it did). The notorious 8...
  8. C

    Danish Electric Recumbent Commuter

    Hi! - I am riding a Steintrikes Mungo Sport recumbent trike 2x30 kms to work between the ancient Viking capital of Roskilde and Copenhagen practically every day equipped with an eZee conversion kit and blogging about it (in Danish I am afraid) at the Engineering Weekly website. I am highly...