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  1. F

    Eleglide M1 plus 12.5 36v battery

    thank you - very helpful
  2. F

    Eleglide M1 plus 12.5 36v battery

    thank you very much I will post photos once Im back with the bike
  3. F

    Eleglide M1 plus 12.5 36v battery

    thanks very much for your help
  4. F

    Eleglide M1 plus 12.5 36v battery

    I've been offered M1 7.5Ahs and told It can also work M1 plus 27.5 and 29” but not sure what difference the 7.5 will make as should be 12.5- does any one know please
  5. F

    Eleglide M1 plus 12.5 36v battery

    thanks tried them they are out of stock in UK
  6. F

    Eleglide M1 plus 12.5 36v battery

    Not with the bike at the moment . sorry not sure what is a contoller? but everything seems contained-not very good at this!Have attached a photo. thanks
  7. F

    Eleglide M1 plus 12.5 36v battery

    I am trying to get a Eleglide M1 plus 12.5 36v battery for my bilke in the UK but everywhere seems to be out of stock. Does anyone know where I can get one, is there a problem with them, will I get one eventually. could i use the M1 plus 7.5 36v battery as an alternative. Thanks for your help.