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  1. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Sorry to bother you again, but just put the old display back on the bike and it has a 26H error code on it, which seems to say that it is something wrong with the Torque sensor speed failure, would this affect the e-bike from working at all and would it be an easy fix? Thanks for your help with...
  2. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Yes there are only 2 wires?
  3. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Thanks again checked all cables and connections and all seem to be okay, couldn’t find a connection with 5 volts on, should I be looking for a UART display? Thanks again for your help
  4. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Confused as someone else mentioned that it could be be how it communicates CAN or UART, so could this display be compatible? Thanks for your time with this
  5. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Just found that the new display is showing an error code 30H which means a communication error, obviously the wrong display for the bike, any ideas I will post pictures showing the old display and the new one, maybe just give up and scrap the bike, here are the pictures
  6. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Thanks should the display suppliers know what their item is, either CAN or UART, or can I easily find out this information, kind regards John.
  7. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    do not understand CAN or UART? I have to unplug it to get the screen back on, then it shows all the symbols then goes to just the mph/img screen, I think I need some code, will try the battery voltage, but it does come back on every time I re plug it in? Cheers John
  8. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Hello again managed to source a new display, but only stays on for about 30 seconds, do I need any special instructions for setting up? Or is there another issue, the motor kicks in when I turn the pedal, any help will be appreciated, regards John
  9. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Thanks for your help, I will get a new display and try, sorry I don’t know much about these e-bikes, but I am learning all the time, enjoy your week and thanks again
  10. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Thanks again didn’t realise that picture was so bad, it’s just a picture of the display in one piece, not that I have had much help with my question re the display causing my issues? Is there anyone on this forum who could point me in the right direction please.
  11. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Thanks again did strip it down, didn’t see anything major but remember the front top being taped up, here are some pictures, and maybe worth a risk to see if this fixes all the other issues, thanks again for all your help.
  12. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Thanks will check, enjoy your weekend
  13. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Is the display the issue in your opinion, all the ones I have seen are with a female green connector, I have found something similar with a male connector which is what I need, will this be okay for the bike that I have? Regards John
  14. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Thanks again for your help, here are some pictures of the display and connections, let me know your thoughts, hope the pictures help. Regards John.
  15. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Thanks would the new display hopefully sort out the problem? Should the bike have a throttle, thanks again for the help
  16. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Just put it back together, a P comes on the display but still nothing happening with the motor, may just put it on as spares and repair. As you mentioned the display does not look very good, showing battery not charged and flashing motor symbol. Is there anything else I could do, not very...
  17. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Have managed to ride the bike and nothing happened, what is the walk test? Also what is mosfet? Thanks for your help
  18. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    It’s not good but it does come on with battery fitted, I presumed the controller as the bike was left out under a tarpaulin and got water into it. Would the display also stop the bike running properly? Any help would be appreciated, cheers John
  19. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    This is still me asking, the battery has the following information on it 36v/13Ah 468Kwh Turn Life battery make TL-36130A
  20. J

    Help! Need a compatible controller

    Just been given a basis thrasher e-bike, not working, but keen to get working, need to find a controller as I believe this is the issue, any clues anyone, regards John