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  1. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    Good news to report. I took the clutch assembly off and thoroughly washed it with Holts brake cleaner. All then seemed doing as it should but I followed Saneagle's advice and gave it some 3 in 1. There is no access directly to the rollers and springs as the side plates are riveted on but I...
  2. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    I have now removed the wheel and extracted the motor from the hub. There was no need to remove the freewheel/cassette to get at the screws. So far I have not been able to find any identifying marks indicating which motor I have. The hub has RP engraved inside it and the clutch assembly has a...
  3. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    Hi Saneagle, I t exits not quite vertically down but about 5 o'clock. Looks like I will need to post some photos when I get it apart.
  4. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    Thanks again guys. Where would I be without you. I thought maybe I had got lucky and turning it upside down had dislodged a foreign body but I took the bike out this morning and - I should be so lucky huh? Same old trouble but having a better idea how it works I could sense the clutch biting...
  5. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    I have 6 cross head screws which look as though they are stainless. Does that determine which motor I have and from that can I order a new clutch ? All the ones I have seen say 36 teeth but no info specific to Yose so maybe they are pretty universal. As is so often the way I went out to my shed...
  6. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    Thanks Guys. This is all really helpful and encouraging. I will have to get the wheel off and post some photos for comment. The Yose site shows a planetary gear assembly for an AKM motor but says it is 40teeth and out of stock. Elsewhere I can see numerous assemblies with 36 teeth at wildly...
  7. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    I have just been watching some YouTube videos and I see I was wrong about the clutch but if they all work along similar lines I now have a better idea.Will have to look see how easy it is to free up the rollers or if the whole clutch has to be replaced.
  8. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    Thanks a lot guys. It looks as if we likely have a fix. It sounds as if the "clutch" is something akin to what you find in in a recoil starter for an outboard so I am familiar with them. The wheel is still on the bike and it is sort of usable for short journeys to local shops and because of...
  9. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    The motor whirrs but does not engage though after several tries it does seem to engage OK and then generally continues working OK for the rest of the outing but sometimes recurs. Your suggestion of sticking clutch does seem to fit and that would explain why blipping the throttle means it then...
  10. J

    Yose 350W not engaging after left standing

    I have had a Yose 350 700C rear wheel kit fitted for a bit over 4 years now and it has covered about 1K miles with no problems and was a godsend to get me out into the countryside in lockdown. Just recently it has developed a fault in that after being left standing say overnight it does not...