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    Help! Carrera Vengeance E mens Electric Bike sensor location

    thank you sorry about blurry pics i have the 3 year halfords cover package so i will take it down to them thanks so much for your help
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    Help! Carrera Vengeance E mens Electric Bike sensor location

    hi thank you for the reply it is like a little rubber thing with a red and white wire and a red led looks like the rubber thing has come off the screws and the red wire is broken off is this a write off?
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    Help! Carrera Vengeance E mens Electric Bike sensor location

    hi all i have owned Carrera Vengeance E mens Electric Bike for just over 2 years but all of a sudden the motor does not kick in when i peddle. The lights are on and the battery is charged does anyone know where the sensor is so i can check to see if its broken thanks for any help