Search results

  1. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    You're entitled to your opinion. If Saneagle did write detailed information on how to carry out the modification, why not just say that? Or sign post me to it? Which Surely takes the same amount of effort telling someone to search for information. Their prerogative either way but I had already...
  2. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    It is a hub motor. This thread (which I've also seen previously) is asking about using a thumb controller. I'm not interested in that as I said in the opening of the thread. It's the PAS I'm interested in maintaining Thanks for the input though! Appreciate your help.
  3. J

    Carrera Crossfire This thread in particular is the one I referenced above. Which led to this thread. I know a replacement controller and LCD will work with my existing hub and battery. What I don't know is...
  4. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    Nothing too specific. Carrera would be far to broad a search term, obviously. But I've also searched with more specific terms and not been able to find the information I need to enable me to do what I want to do. There are threads started by people asking whether it's possible. And I've managed...
  5. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    All of the above is only if relevance if riding on the public highway.
  6. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    No law has been ignored. Which law do you suggest I would be breaking by fitting an aftermarket controller to my own bike? .
  7. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    Help themselves by using the search function? Indeed. But, there are no relevant threads are there? I think you assumed there would be and you assumed I hadn't already searched. I think you realise you're wrong now as well. As if you haven't checked. And as if you wouldn't have linked these...
  8. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    It's not illegal to increase the speed of a bike though. Whether one chooses to use the modified bike to break the law on a public highway is another matter. If people want to make assumptions that's their prerogative. There are plenty of forums which discuss modification on cars to increase...
  9. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    Enl Enlighten everyone then. Show some posts which have specific information on how do carry out the modification on a bike with my factory installed running gear. Not posts or people asking the question, or posts with people saying it's possible to do, posts which give detailed info. You'd be...
  10. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    I found a few threads discussing Suntour motors and various Halfords bikes but nothing particularly helpful. Are you assuming that such threads exist on this forum or just assuming they I haven't bothered to search?
  11. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    2022! I can't be bothered pandering to people, it's not illegal or unlawful to change the controller on a bike. They can draw their own conclusions ☺️. I just ignore idiots.
  12. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    No, it's a factory made Ebike. Not a conversion.
  13. J

    Carrera Crossfire

    I have a 2002 Carrera Crossfire. I'd like to increase the speed a little or the point at which the motor cuts off. I understand that this is possible with a KT or other aftermarket controller. I'd like to get a better understanding of how this would be achieved in practice. I'm happy to crimp or...