Search results

  1. rsscott

    A new range of energy bars?

    Looks like along with the Torq bike, we now have a range of Torq energy bars and powders!!! Download Bike Biz : Bike Biz - see page 11 No connection obviously...yet ;)
  2. rsscott

    Where is the Queen Ant ?

    An amusing video posted on the 50Cycles blog of Cambridge rush hour: 50cycles World of Electric Bikes Try not to focus your vision when watching the video and you can imagine you are peeking at a swarm of worker ants!:D
  3. rsscott

    News: BikeBiz article on electric bikes

    Not sure if any of you subscribe to the BikeBiz magazine (Print/PDF) but they have a small article on electric bikes in their latest edition. You can download the latest version here (after registering) Download Bike Biz : Bike Biz
  4. rsscott


    Hi all, use this forum to discuss things not specifically related to electric bikes. I'd like to keep the main forum on topic as far as possible so feel free to use this forum to discuss any other topics! The bar is open! (Well in cyberspace anyway ;) ) thanks Russ
  5. rsscott

    Electric Bike Videos

    Here you will find direct links to videos on the internet for electric bikes. As I find more (or if other posters post links in the forum), they will be added here: General Electric Bike commuting tips (28 mins) Cycle Santa Monica!: E-Bike Commuting Tips Events Presteigne 2006 Rally: YouTube...
  6. rsscott

    Are there any budding film directors out there?

    I would quite like to add in some video reviews to go along with the owner reviews section of the main site. If any of you have a burning desire to be caught on film showing off your new bike, please email me :D
  7. rsscott

    BMX Kids – a new Target Group for Pedelecs?

    Interesting news article on the ExtraEnergy site via here. A while back there was a discussion on the suitability and safety of electric bikes for the youngsters.
  8. rsscott

    Free to a good home - new tyres for a eZee Torq

    Free to a good home, 2 tyres for an eZee Torq. They've done a total of 10 miles i.e. the journey home! Postage is all I ask for. cheers Russ. Update: These tyres are the original Kenda that were supplied with the bike.
  9. rsscott

    Free to a good home - Wuxing twistgrip throttle R/H ** SOLD **

    If anyone has a need for a Wuxing twistgrip throttle, I have a spare one going free. It's unused as it was supplied as a spare for my original Cyclone electric bike.
  10. rsscott

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

    As the title says, Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year ! I'm sure 2007 will bring lots of exciting new developments to the electric bike industry and I hope this site will continue to be an exciting place for owners and would-be owners to discuss their electric bikes. Since going live at the end...
  11. rsscott

    How Good are Electric Bikes?

    Hi Tim,Scott,Jim and the rest of the team at 50 Cycles, thanks for the Christmas wishes and wishing you a Merry Christmas in return! I'm sure I am only one of many looking forward to see what 2007 brings. I'm sure you'll wow us with lots of exciting developments throughout the year! I always...
  12. rsscott

    Quick Polls

    Some of you may have noticed that I have added a poll section to the bottom right of the forum and also under the navigation menu on the main site. Some articles will also contain them. While we have a poll facility in the forum, the idea behind these polls is to gather opinion from people who...
  13. rsscott

    Owner Reviews Needed !!!

    I've add an Owner Review section to the main site so if you are happy to help potential owners decide which bike to purchase, please can you fill out an Owner Review? The first heading is labelled : Submit Your Own Review If you click...
  14. rsscott

    Ec-bikes / Cyclone - no more

    My previous electric bike was purchased from ec-bikes (website no longer working) Unfortunately it doesn't look like they are trading anymore so anyone out there with one of these bikes may find it quite difficult to get spares now. I've tried contacting the seller but they haven't replied to...
  15. rsscott

    NuVinci CVT hub

    Slightly old news as this was announced at the Eurobike show earlier this Autumn, but it's fascinating nonetheless. There is a good animation on the site that explains the technology in more detail: Fallbrook Technologies
  16. rsscott

    Book: Electric Bicycles - A Guide to Design and Use

    If anyone is interested, a rather good book is available called: Electric Bicycles A Guide to Design and Use by William C. Morchin / Henry Oman Publisher: Wiley ISBN: 0-471-67419-2 It's pretty heavy reading and goes into great detail on the following subjects: Estimating motor-performance...
  17. rsscott

    Owner Reviews

    Hi all, I'm currently working on a Buyer's Guide on the main site which will allow potential electric bike owners to narrow down the full range of bikes available according to certain criteria. The resulting tables will then show all the specs for further cross-examination and links to the...
  18. rsscott

    More electric bikes than you can shake a stick at!

    ExtraEnergy over in Germany have a fantastic permanent exhibition of electric bikes. This page has a photo gallery at the bottom for you to drool over :D ----------------------------- ExtraEnergy: is a non-profit trust headquartered in Tanna, Germany. It's activities are focussed on...
  19. rsscott

    Webwatch: China's love affair with the car continues

    Interesting news article posted on the net yesterday (source: Reuters) : BEIJING • A ban on battery-powered bicycles in the southern China city of Guangzhou has left tens of thousands of owners grounded without compensation and angered vendors who face lost business, local media reported...
  20. rsscott

    How did you find the Pedelecs site ?

    Hi, I would like to optimise the site for google so future users can find us and i'm very interested to hear how you found the site. If you used a search engine such as Google, could you tell me what Keywords you used and how many Search Result pages you clicked through before you found it...