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    Battery companies

    I tried them last summer and they had no idea about ebike batteries they do mainly power tool batteries. So maybe they have employed someone with relevant expertise since then . This link seems promising they do all ebike battery makes and use high quality cells such as Samsung and LG ...
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    Price impact of the "deal"?
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    I want music on my bike.

    Anthony27 The biggest risk with headphones on a bike is: - not hearing traffic and dangers - a deterioration of your sense of balance hi Anthony I’m not sure if you realise aftershockz are boneconducting headphones they fit in front of your ears not in your ears. Also wind noise is not a...
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    I want music on my bike.

    A thumbs up for aftershockz here. Not tried the latest model the Aeropex but I have the previous one trekz air and can highly recommend. Big improvement in sound quality over previous models and the ability to answer the phone easily and hear turn by turn instructions with google maps. Takes the...
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    Adding front & rear lights to E-bike

    Hi I’ve also just added lights to my ebike tandem conversion. I used the Spanninga Axendo which is 80 lux and was very impressed. The lights turn on automatically with light sensor in led display or can be turned on via switch on display. There is no switch on the light though. This was the...
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    Power cutting out

    Update thx for all the help people turns out it was the display unit. everything is now working perfectly. So happy off to pub for lunch 2mowith missus
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    Power cutting out

    Thx for the help guys . I bought these parts second hand from various sources on eBay .This was before discovering this site. I assumed it would be easier for me to do it this way as I have no knowledge of the kits and what bits were needed. It became my lockdown project. As always buying second...
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    Power cutting out

    Hi cycle buddy thanx for that link very informative post. I could just about manage to read thr french post.Onthe German Pedelecs site I used google translate and it gives a clearer explanation for resetting. If the bms is disconnected it goes into safety shutdown and needs resetting to turn...
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    Power cutting out

    Ok thx vfr400 . I’ve taken a gamble and ordered a new controller from TranzX . If it’s not that well I’ll have to sell it on eBay to recoup some money
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    Power cutting out

    Ok here r some photos
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    Power cutting out im at work at moment but found this photo online the 6 prongs r on the side facing away
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    Power cutting out

    Hi Benjamin all of the prongs are connected to a small pcb which in turn is connected via an integrated socket and plug to a larger pcb with sockets for cabling to lights motor and display. Ther are traces on small pcb that connect all 6 prongs to circuitry and the connector for the other pcb ...
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    Power cutting out

    I’m not sure I understand the battery has 6 different slots in a straight line that mate up to 6 teeth / tines / prongs that are fixed to two piggy backed pcb,s inside the housing that is battery connector/ controller the only wires are the display and motor cable that connect to this. Hope this...
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    Power cutting out

    Hi vfr400 thx for taking time to reply. There are 6 prongs points of contact extreme left being negative and right positive
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    Power cutting out

    “You need to find out what's shutting down. Start with the battery. Put a voltmeter on the battery to controller connection and observe” ok ive Managed to check the connections and battery voltage doesn’t drop so does this mean it’s the controller thx neil
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    Power cutting out

    I can’t see how I can test the battery to controller connection as once the battery is plugged in I can’t get to it. I have unplugged and reattached motor cable at both ends the motor connector is a massive XLR that screws together. The connectors in controller are JST connectors that plug into...
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    Power cutting out

    Battery is a brand new recell will check though. as for speed signal I don’t know the answer to that. I have a brake sensor and pedal assist sensor. The only other wires apart from lights are the motor cable with three phase wires and 6 hall wires inside and the display cable with about 10 wires...
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    Power cutting out

    Ok after trying to ride bike a few more times I noticed that the speed counter was very erratic going up to 30 mph very quickly in like 3 wheel revolutions even on walk assist it was going up to 19 mph. Does this mean it is cutting out because it is over 15 mph. Is it the lcd display that...
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    Power cutting out

    Thx cyclebuddy. The motor and cabling controller etc are 2012/2013 so before can bus era.
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    Power cutting out

    Hi cyclebuddy well my battery is the BL07 but I’m not getting any of the problems on that thread all the functions work and display the lights come on automatically when I cover the light sensor and when I switch on the backlight for display. The battery power on display has all 5 bars showing...