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  1. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    Yes, that's right, except that the yellow light and fan no longer kick in, but I've always used the same sequence you suggest.
  2. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    I've posted on a couple of forums to see if I can find someone local with a charger I could borrow for a couple of minutes, but no luck so far, which is understandable since borrowing a charger is not yet on the approved list of reasons to leave home.. Would it be a fair conclusion that the...
  3. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    OK, but these measurements were not taken on a fully charged battery, indeed I had tried hard to run the battery down in case the level of charge was what was preventing it from accepting a charge.
  4. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    It has a key, which turns it on and off and also unlocks it from the carrier so that it can be removed, but no other switch.
  5. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    They were indeed fuzzy. Hopefully these are clearer, but I'm not sure if this is what you wanted to see, as there are no red or black wires in the vicinity of the pots, so please let me know if you needed to see something else? All ten voltage readings were either 3.70 or 3.71
  6. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    The 'burning' is an artefact of my photography. There was a little dust and the remains of a few spiders in the charger, but otherwise both units are absolutely pristine. The 10A fuse is fine, with a resistance of 1.2 ohms. The lower pot is labelled 'UR1' and the upper one is 'UR2'
  7. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    OK, I've attached some general overviews, obviously I can zoom in on anything you might like to see closer. There are two adjustable blue pots at the end of the charger where the cable to the charger port exits. They could both be accessed without removing the PCB from the outer case, and they...
  8. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    Thank you both, much appreciated. I've opened the battery and couldn't find any obvious problems, and disconnecting the BMS made no difference., so I'll open the charger and post photos of both next.
  9. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    Thanks, that's very helpful, looks like I need to open the battery up then and see if anything is amiss in there.
  10. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    Unfortunately I only have the one meter, but if the battery is out of balance or the charger voltage too high then why did it charge perfectly well after my first ride? This is the same charger I've used for years, so presumably it can't have changed it's own output voltage last week just to...
  11. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    OK, I've got 42.3V coming out of the charger with the green light on, 36.8V at the battery charging point and 37.2 V at the battery output, though the battery isn't fully charged of course. Does this help?
  12. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    Hi Benjahmin, Thanks for this. I opened up the plug and found one is connected to live whilst the other two are both connected to neutral. There are no signs of burning or corrosion, but would you expect any voltage across the pins when the green light is on, i.e. when it isn't actually in...
  13. P

    Ezee Charging problem

    Hi, I have a bike fitted with an Ezee conversion kit, which has served me well for a number of years. I haven't used it much since last year, and haven't charged it since then, but a couple of weeks ago I dusted it down and plugged it into the charger (HP8204L3 36V Li-ion). The green light on...
  14. P

    Ezee controller free to good home

    Hi, In 2012 I fitted an Ezee Mk II 700c front wheel conversion kit to my tourer, and it worked brilliantly until last week, when it gave up the ghost. With the aid of the ever helpful Cyclezee the problem was traced to the console, but because Ezee have changed the configuration of the...