By all means. The one I used was , from controller to motor . Phase - blue to blue.
, green to yell, yell to green.
From controller- to halls - Blue to yell, GN to GN, and yell to blue.
The simulated torque facility is fantastic.thanks again Robert.
Result!! Great stuff - found 3 choices which seem very similar. To be expected perhaps? It is a new area for me with what I now see to be torque sensitive. Certainly what I was looking for. Will make new connections next to tidy it up- but thanks to you all for your help.Robert.
Thanks for info. There may well be one or I haven't tried!
I'll have another shot , should be more exhaustive and more logical with this guide.
Must say it's easy to lose the plot on this. Certainly are more than I tried . Thanks for chart as the pas system is the one I wouod prefer.
Progress (or lack of it so far):(
Received con 63 with great speed from green bike kit yesterday.
unfortunately, no combinations of phase and hall sensors I can find produce a quiet and smooth running motor with any significant power.
The display fires up and would be great, but looks like this...
Thanks. Have ordered con 63 with lcd from GBK. Picked £11 postage so under £50. Hope it gets here without duty.
Must say original controller is very smooth indeed, but a bit short on features.
The battery is nearly half the weight of my trusty hopper's, and the disc brakes and front suspension...
Hi again, looking at Aliexpress the Eunorau 15 Amp controller @ $33 and the passion led 880 controller @ $18 look like they might work for me. Presumably you can program wheel size in?
Any advice most welcome:) Robert.
Any advice very welcome.
Thank you so much for you definitive info. New controller is way to go - prob 40 quid version but could be tempted ....
I' ve checked Aliexpress and think you need a 250 watt version for 250 motor. Some say they're for more than eg 350 watts.
Don't want throttle, just pas but the £70 can handle...
Hi. Thanks for reply. I attatch a rough diagram of the set up, with the controller marked 3613g, complete with a phone number which I haven't rung becauseof language difficulties. It's a newish Chinese small bike , with front suspension so more comfy on the bumps. I still have my trusty Hopper...
Can anyone tell me if I could change my twist grip throttle for a simple 3 or4 levels of assist? After riding with the twist grip I cannot easily just keep a background assist level. With no throttle the assist just goes to top speed unless you keep braking intermittently.
My old Tesco hopper...
Looking back at some old posts, I can see (I think) that a throttle is ok if you keep pedalling with little ir no effort.
But my throttle operates independently, and does not require continuous pedalling. It is however overridden by the brake switches which cancel it.
New regs seem to prohibit...
OK thankyou. I suppose I worry too much!
I read the 'new' regs, and must say I don't really understand them. I even read somewhere that you must type approve a throttled bike, but that ther'es no Type Approval facility to do it.
What a situation .
Like all your bikes, e bikes are fun.