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  1. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Ok. Best wishes OG...(posts crossed)
  2. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    And in interest of ending this stupid feud between myself and OG please let me know exactly the comment you, d find acceptable OG and I, ll make it.
  3. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Well exactly what wish would you want me to make? That was a genuine remark and only you can take it as an insult.
  4. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I think its a bluff we have to go through for EU. If we roll over and say we cant have a no deal, EU will respond accordingly. EU should be just as, if not more, frightened of no deal as UK.
  5. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Apparently AK has to lift a finger to think. Hope its his own.
  6. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    We, ve all got problems OG, being nasty on here changes nothing. What does " that is din't need" actually mean? And you obviously did need an explanation of where pension payments come from if I translated your ramblings correctly. But good luck with your wife. Mine finished cancer treatments...
  7. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Thats another post I dont need to jumble up. You, ve already done it.. Its senseless OG. Even by your standards.
  8. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Well that wasnt expected... In interests of harmony did not want to name OG..
  9. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Its especially hard work for some..
  10. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Living off investments then. Where did I say I disapprove of pensions. Ofcourse I dont. I recently started drawing my own works one. Its fantastic. You are making the distinction between investments and pensions when in reality they can not be seperated. They are one of the same. Amazing how...
  11. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Living off money invested on your behalf... Where do you think your pension comes from, be it state, draw down, annuity or invested pension pot. Its all paid for by capititalism and some kind of investment. You are quite a sad old git OG.
  12. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Flecc says he did same thing, or similar, so I, m not sure either. I cant see how anyone can criticise individuals for taking advantage of schemes, accounts etc etc. Its common sense. In 80,s I started my business by mortgaging house, investing 40% of capital in bonds to pay mortgage and used...
  13. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Perhaps another kiwi trait. From the bloke who never insults anyone?
  14. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Utter *******. (b0110x) There is no more evidence for that than saying not all remainers are bigots but you are..Actually there is proof of latter with your stupid comments.
  15. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Mine are all Asian,all voted Leave and going nowhere. I, ll pass on address if you wish. Besides only folk who dont clean their teeth need dental hygienist.... to show them how to. Job opportunities around you Kudos.. A new career?
  16. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    What an utterly pointless stupid post. It really does devalue the thread.0 I, m sure we could find an armed robber or perhaps even a murderer to associate one group or another with. We seem to be back to square one. All leavers are racists... again... Pathetic.
  17. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    You, ve been to France then..
  18. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    That depends on who you really see as friends and neighbours??
  19. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Thats actually not the case and hasnt been for nearly a decade now. We are drifting OT, but in actual fact globalisation has slowed (slobalisation) and in many intances actually reversed. Many countries are becoming far more reliant on internal trade and /or close geographic/political...
  20. Z

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    No deal it is then... Better stock up on meat pies..