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  1. N

    250w vs 500w

    I hear alarm bells. Please note: Price is for bank transfer payment only. (Trade sale!) Please note: No refunds or exchanges - please make sure you order the correct size or contact us for help.
  2. N

    Wisper Wisper bike owners - how are your wheels & spokes looking?

    I have a 26" 705 which is about 7-8 years old. M wife as a 24" 705 which is 2 years old. Neither has any corrosion on the spokes
  3. N

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Immigrants eating pets is a familiar racist trope not a million miles from those urban myths about Indian restaurants & Chinese takeaways serving up cats or rats.
  4. N

    Estrali , needs pedalling to start...

    Alternatively sell the Estrali & buy a Wisper with a legal throttle.
  5. N

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    That's a report from over ten years ago of several served cats heads found in a bag. It doesn't support your assertion that "many Chinese restaurants have been prosecuted for such things as having cat and dog pelts in their bins". As you cannot produce any evidence for your startling claim my...
  6. N

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    So it's a lie designed to inflame anti-immigrant feelings?
  7. N

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Do you have a link for this startling claim?
  8. N

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    It was not only laughable but she laughed at him when he came out with this rambling racist nonsense, which angered him even more. BTW Has anyone ever seen Trump laugh? He seems to alternate between smirking & scowling but unlike Harris doesn't reveal normal emotions.
  9. N

    Battery Fires

    Does anyone remember those expanded polystyrene ceiling tiles that were all the fashion in the seventies that when ignited dropped gobs of napalm? It took quite a few years before those formulated without fire retardant were banned.
  10. N

    Battery Fires

    There are many factors contributing to the fall in fire deaths. Non-flammable materials, materials that don't produce poisonous smoke etc & especially not forgetting oven chips (when did you last hear of a fire caused by a chip pan?).
  11. N

    Battery Fires

    I'm not interested in any of your wider points because you are dishonest. Why can't you be honest enough to admit that what you wrote is untrue? This is untrue & you should admit that it's untrue "PCSOs who stood and watched two children in a pond a few feet deep drowning, while OAP fishermen...
  12. N

    Battery Fires

    @Ghost1951 You said "PCSOs who stood and watched two children in a pond a few feet deep drowning, while OAP fishermen waded in and fished out one of them. The other drowned." The is a LIE. It's not what happened at all. Why do you find it impossible to admit that this is an untruth?
  13. N

    Battery Fires

    I'm not the one pushing lies to support my thesis that there is an obsession with health and safety in the public sector. I just read the news reports & saw hat I had been lied to by @Ghost1951
  14. N

    Battery Fires

    Misinfomation is fake news created & spread by a mistake – by someone who doesn’t realise that it’s false. Disinformation is fake news that is created and spread deliberately by someone who knows full well that it’s false. In this case it's clearly DISinformation i.e. deliberate lies like...
  15. N

    Battery Fires

    I've just re-read that 17 year old newspaper report plus another report that fleshes out the story which is not as you represented it. The PCSOs didn't stand around watching a child drown. They arrived after the fishermen aged 63 & 68 (so only one OAP not two) had fished out the female. The pond...
  16. N

    Battery Fires

    This article is over 17 years old!!! Surely you can find a more recent example to support your premise of an obsession with health and safety as a total blight on our society?
  17. N

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    You found plenty of room round Keswick for building houses. It's odd that you appear to have forgotten The area is a massive and valuable environmental wilderness, but these fields were just wasted. I would force the planning department to develop suitable spaces like that for low cost housing...
  18. N

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Your analysis is correct but flawed. The problem is NOT immigration. The problem is lack of accommodation being built. Money spend on HS2 would have been far better off spent on council housing. Fifty years ago we were building 200,000 council houses per year but then stopped. Just imagine if we...
  19. N

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Right wing racist thugs targeted mosques because they are Islamophobic. They hate Muslims who they just see as another 'race' that isn't white British. See... despite your protestations Islamophobia really is a thing.
  20. N

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Interesting that your idea is confiscation of assets. Obviously your fascistic traits coming out. I was thinking of nudge theory & making second home ownership less attractive e.g. ensure that the council tax on all second homes is 2x or 3x or whatever to discourage second home ownership.