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  1. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    They don't rip people off, it's market driven. Idiot parents pay the extortionate prices & there is no shortage of dick-heads and mugs to fill the seats on the aeroplanes. I'd like to see parents charged £250 / day per child they take out of the education system. What the parents could do is...
  2. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Wow, angry man alert!!!
  3. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Take your children out of school during term time in order to snatch a cheap holiday. By not supporting teachers when your child is disruptive or disrespectful at school. Siding with the child instead. Parents threatening teachers with violence for giving constructive criticism about their...
  4. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    No, I have no dealings at all with the private education system. I like modestly priced education because it filters out those who truly appreciate the value of learning. Give it out free and it gets abused and we end up with our current broken, completely useless state system which is failing...
  5. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    For many, it’s not a privilege, it’s a huge sacrifice. The Eaton’s and Harrows, yes they tend to be from very privileged backgrounds, but many of the smaller private schools rely heavily on dedicated parents. The smaller private schools are on a winner straight away. The parents have usually...
  6. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Private education is not something which can only be accessed by the rich. I personally know of three ordinary working families who send a child to private school. One is a policeman (PC rank), the mother works shifts in a supermarket checkout. The others hold down similar income jobs. What...
  7. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Prepare to regret buying your Brexit house then. You have worked hard, you have saved, you have a home, you must be punished for showing financial responsibility. Rid yourself of any thought of making sacrifices so that You can privately educate your children. Private schools will be...
  8. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Branson is going to kill himself and his passengers with his fireworks.
  9. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Do you own a fuel magnetiser? It a little magnet which clips onto the fuel pipe feeding the engine in your car. It magnetises the fuel. Magnetised fuel give you an extra 33% MPG and reduces emissions by 47%. I can sell you one for £56 and it will pay for itself in no time at all.
  10. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    It’s why people cling onto the hope that Johnson will deliver them something good that baffles me. All of the lying, failure to adhere to promises and general conduct wouldn’t be necessary if that was going to happen. He’s lying for a reason and the reason is because he’s leading a lot of people...
  11. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I know. Those promises of frictionless trade and no border were made recently too. Now we have the proposal of not one, but two borders. People are either massively stupid on a scale that I never considered possible, or Johnson is the master of lies and deception. Neither option is anything to...
  12. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    The big problem is that Boris Johnson promised you frictionless trade, definitely no borders on the island of Ireland to the extent that the Irish people would notice no differences and an easy trade deal. His proposal drives a coach and horses through all of the promises he made to you. How did...
  13. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    That question is unfair because it splits the leave vote in two. Remain will win, and the discontent will continue. The question should be a simple one of Leave (even if that means no deal and all of the consequences that we now understand) or to Remain. I don’t think anyone could argue with...
  14. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Prince Ginger is at it again. #gingertwat.
  15. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    The local council have published one of those Get Ready for Brexit adds on Facebook. This has sparked a small war of words, which I have kept well clear of. However, one leave supporter has clarified for me what they expect to achieve from Brexit. Here it is: All scare mongering so when we have...
  16. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    As you say, the story makes no sense unless you look at it from the point of destroying evidence and deliberate acts intended frustrate an investigation. Then the story is quite plausible. Again, the Brexidiots will buy into the story and blindly place their faith in Johnson to deliver them...
  17. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    If he gets his no-deal, the EU will have to build border check posts if they want them. Personally, I don’t think border checks are necessary and the issue is just being played for the sake of awkwardness. If we leave without a deal, I think the EU will instruct their Irish song & dance puppet...
  18. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Cancel A50, then there will be no need for an extension. Problem solved.
  19. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Sajid Javid, in his finest squeaky voice, has promised tax cuts and a cut in interest rates. Woohoo!!!! Hang on a minute, interest rates are already low, so what’s he going to do, pay people to be in debt? And how is he going to fund the tax cuts? He’s got to pay Boris to build 40 hospitals and...
  20. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    That £100 Billion, and some more besides, will be spent on mitigation of the effects of Brexit. We’ve spent nearly 10% of that and haven’t left yet.