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  1. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Which workers rights has Boris Johnson abolished? Just give me the top three, I don’t need you to tell me all of them. Cheers.
  2. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Ah, I thought so. It’s ok for Labour to do it, but not the Conservatives. Just the same as we can’t send our children to public school, but you can if you are a Labour MP. Got it now, but I must be a racist, thanks
  3. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Is that a bit like getting too excited about Brexit? At least Johnson’s premiership has started, you, OG and flecc are getting a cockstand about Brexit, and that hasn’t even happened yet. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! (Is that racist? I said black.)
  4. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Is that a bit like Shami Chakrabarti? The unelected non-MP shadow Attorney General? The one who was elevated to the HoL? The same Shami Chakrabarti that supports the, Public School abolishing Labour Party, whilst simultaneously making use of Public Schools to educate her son? I guess this makes...
  5. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    oh, I fully expect the new Johnson Tory Government to make mistakes, go back on promises and fail to deliver. I believe that is a better situation than a Corbyn & Abbott, miscalculated, fag-packet, make it up as you go along economy. Does that make me a racist or a media follower, or perhaps...
  6. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    . This has become the new equivalent of spiting, you are a racist, into the face of anyone who dares to question ultra left wing ideals. Like, you’re a racist, chanting, “you are being influenced by right wing media”, doesn’t work. Labour are finished unless someone pulls the chain and...
  7. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    He’s never pretended to be anything else. It’s the fact that the current crop of imbeciles think they lost because they weren’t “northern” enough and are now desperately trying to pretend to be all northern and toilet cleanery. It’s hilarious. Labour lost because their spending was fag-packet...
  8. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    The big question is, who in their right mind considered Emily Thornbury to be a fit and competent person to clean a toilet?
  9. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I wonder how Johnson will deal with The Tiny Scottish Idiot Woman? I think blanking her would be the funniest. Simply don’t acknowledge her existence.
  10. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I’m loving the Labour Party at the moment. It’s like a sketch show from Monty Python with wealthy posh barristers trying to be the most northern and the most working working class. Emily Thornbury is now claiming that she has cleaned a toilet on a ferry! Why didn’t she declare this last week...
  11. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    The Democrats are doing a first class job of ensuring that Donald Trump will secure a second presidential term. Carry on continuing.
  12. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Tapatalk stopped working on my iPhone when the forum software was updated. I’ve had to type all of my shite onto a webpage ever since.
  13. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I don’t want Brexit to happen, but it’s going to. I’ll have to deal with the consequences. Those with a negative attitude always fail. They remain static, complaining.
  14. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Labour will be out of office for an extended period of time if they don’t shift more to the centre. I think Tony Blair is the only Labour PM to win a GE in something like 45 years. It will be another 45 if something doesn’t give. Metaphorically speaking, wealthy, posh southern luvies are...
  15. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I’m sorry, I have no idea what this means. Could you break it down so that someone simple like me can understand it please.
  16. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I mostly agree. Unions need to stick to defending and c campaigning for better workers rights. Ending zero hours contracts, better sick pay for workers, greater investment in training, ending situations like "nursing degrees" which is making nurses pay for their own training in disguise...
  17. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Because Labour do not represent who Labour are supposed to represent. Labour consists of wealthy southern luvies who talk in academic terms about the people who they THINK they represent. This leaves a massive body of ordinary, working, PAYE paying people with no one to represent them. Boris...
  18. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I’m afraid it wasn’t simple enough for the Corbyn supporters. They like it really simple. For example: 1) Free money. 2) Less effort = greater reward. 3) We hate those who work. 4) We despise financial responsibility. The above would have won them the GE.
  19. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Labour’s position was stated, but you had to dig it out of the ground, sift all the dirt away, piece the bits together and then decipher the message. People don’t like that, they want a nice clear message like, Get Brexit Done. It’s dumbing down, but that’s where we are and it worked.
  20. 50Hertz

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Which means a hatred of people who work hard, pay taxes and make sacrifices to invest in their futures. Yep, that’s Labour. Carry on, it’s all the fault of the voters.