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  1. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Ok, so you couldn't be turned on the choice of cabinet, so here goes your 2nd challenge If the economy is so tits up as Cameron and Osborne and Carney tried to portray How come he left interest rates as they were Ah!! Weeeeere doooomed!!!
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    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Welcome back OG, I fail to understand how you think Eu control is somehow better than UK control Perhaps you have some direct line into the guys that will look after Uk interests, or maybe it's our MEP,s Or the unelected commission Maybe it's junker you trust or your MEP Farage, or how about...
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    Brexit, for once some facts.

    So all you doubters of Mays Brexit credentials, and living in hope protesters, have you heard the cabinet she is putting together. I think that seals her intentions don't you Perhaps we can conclude or agree just this one small point? Without buts and maybes and counter arguments,
  4. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Trex, let me state only this The world is a complicated place, much more so than most have any chance in understanding, so we all have to take a stance You either give everything over to the unelected and often hidden controllers who don't give one fig for the little people, or you stand up for...
  5. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Trex, As I was already asked to declare what I do, and responded, do you not think I already know the details you speak of . But frankly it is all trivia in the daily business we do. No trading arrangement in the world comes without pluses or minuses but don't get lost in details. Your request...
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    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Why not go into details?? Something to hide?not at all part from the obvious sharing personal details on a forum, so your sarcasm is uncalled for But we'll ignore that. Yes I will So if you're exporting around Europe, you'll know the benefits that are found within the trading block. Ie no...
  7. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

  8. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Dave I am not talking about free movement of labour which is a sideshow. I am talking about the economic performance of the EU, and in particular the euro area. But then I think you know that;)
  9. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.
  10. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Fleck, read my lips, 50% of the under 25s are unemployed, what do you say to them?, it's the same in Spain and Italy Do you think this is sustainable? And what will the EU superstate do about it? If we stay in it could be our children next.
  11. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Yes, guilty as charged, after a while all these posts just merge into one. You are right in what you say, and I too love Greece, a lovely people and not to be confused with there own corrupt elites and burecratics and politicians. I just do not see how it can be right that 50% of the under 25s...
  12. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Flecc, does that make a dam of difference? Did you understand the point at all?
  13. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    dave I give up, have it your own way
  14. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I agree For me it is not about imagration, but accept for some this is worrying, they see the impact in housing, social support, Health care. It is not racism It is not about the economic arguements, because who can prove one way or another what will be in 10 years But I agree the EU is a...
  15. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I agree completely and well spoken, with balance, reasoning and fairness, Perhaps you could be a good example for the thread
  16. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Actually that is true, it is about the only reason for participating, because there are some on this thread that actually have valid points to make and it serves to test my own views. That is when faced with someone that has a view that they can justify in a reasoned manner, and are open minded...
  17. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Give up Derf, you don't have the intellect for this thread
  18. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Derf For once I am amused at your quickness in picking up my text error, well done Germany have to park there wealth somewere, they decided to park it in Greece, a clear high risk loan that had nothing to do with goodness, They now own Greece and unlike they expect of all other countries to...
  19. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Freedom of movement is simply the lazy way of running an economy, Germany benefit usually from there strong economy but get short of labour, so just move the paid help from Greece as there economy is tanking, then of course the Germans can move in and buy there villas, and the Greeks can all...
  20. B

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Ha, insults without any logic or reasoning, I would not expect more from you Just repeat after me " Brexit is Brexit" you can overcome your learning difficulties if you try