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  1. Itsashambles

    Picking the second bike is worse than the first

    So I have the cyclamatic power plus, I've realised that buying second-hand makes it a little bit problematic when it comes to the maintenance of the bike I have no experience in this, the problem with the 2nd one, is you know what you want, truth is I have never been on another bike, I have...
  2. Itsashambles

    Old cyclamatic power problems

    I've got one somewhere, never used it like, was my ex's. . I'll dig it out. Do you think it could just be the sensor? Can someone please tell me about the cut off from the brake. You would think there would be a manual online, alas no. Cheers guys. I'm getting more manly by the day.
  3. Itsashambles

    Old cyclamatic power problems

    Sorry , let's start again. No power to motor, but LEDs are lit. I went on the bike without a battery, and the LEDs at the throttle flickered. What would make this happen without the battery connected xx
  4. Itsashambles

    Old cyclamatic power problems

    Well that won't help, I'm guessing that is the sensor wife
  5. Itsashambles

    Old cyclamatic power problems

    Sorry been busy . Yes, that's my problem. I'm in no way capable of fixing it, but until I can get it repaired, I might as well start to understand the bike. Total beginner here in bike and electrical maintenance. But I can learn x
  6. Itsashambles

    Old cyclamatic power problems

    I have an Old cyclamatic with throttle . It has 3 LEDs on the controller which are all lit up , no power, just ridden it without battery, red light flickering on controller. Any ideas xx
  7. Itsashambles

    Cyclamatic power plus

    9.99 plus postage. 3.99. I'm guessing that it will be an exact replica, and should I have to fit it , it will actually fit. Do you think they are cheaper on eBay?
  8. Itsashambles

    Cyclamatic power plus

    Oldham . Going to ring the manufacturer now. See if they can help.
  9. Itsashambles

    Cyclamatic power plus

    I don't know anything about bikes, took it to a non profit organisation, cheap but I don't think he had a clue, he fitted a new chain and derailleur, new tyres, back wheel seems to move a bit when I grip it. when I say I have no idea, I mean no idea, managed to repair a puncture, that's it...
  10. Itsashambles

    Cyclamatic power plus

    I have noticed this has broken, how and what do I buy to replace it?