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  1. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Sorry - NO. At the time I posted the message the total fossil fuel input into the UK electricity grid was 4%. As you know, it varies. Perhaps you misread my message. It is easily done. Right now the fossil fuel component is 3.9% The current energy mix is shown here...
  2. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Only 4% of UK electric power is being produced by fossil fuel burning at this time, if you exclude the 4% or so being produced by the greenwash con of 'Biomass' which involved pelletising American forests and dragging them across the Atlantic so that conmen politicians can claim green...
  3. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Yes -an informed and common sense view here. I REALLY would like to see a magical step change in battery technology, but unfortunately we are up against physics and chemistry - though it is possible that less fire prone technologies and faster charge rates may yet be possible. The rest though...
  4. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I'm interested in the new battery chemistries we have been hearing about. They may make a huge difference, especially since some of them employ much less costly materials and with the added bonus of less volatility as regards fire. I think it was Toyota that was talking up their solid state...
  5. G

    Help! Spark from my mount on my e bike

    Interesting. I wonder about the safety issues for car mechanics and technicians with electric car maintenance. The batteries are not 48 and 56 volts - more like 400v to 800v. I once got a shock from a large PSU capacitor in a valve powered radio transmitter. The psu was switched off from the...
  6. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Given that most batteries have a limited number of charge discharge cycles, I can't see too many people allowing their very expensive EV batteries to be discharging into the grid because eco loons want gas powered generators to be removed. Gas is already low carbon. Its adoption is the main...