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  1. G

    Do any cadence sensored hub motor controllers activate pedal assist when ghost pedalling backwards as well as forwards?

    If you want to make your spoofing secret, you could add a magnetic switch to enable or disable the pulsing circuit. Place the magnet on the switch and the spoofing operates. Remove the magnet on being stopped or questioned and put it in your pocket (VERY unlikely unless you are riding like an...
  2. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Shows how little you know me. I am at war with the BBC. The Aral Sea is a post Soviet disaster from when they diverted the rivers from which the Aral Sea was fed. Naturally enough - the desert sea dried up. It was nothing to do with a weather manipulation. It was about Soviet cotton growing...
  3. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    People have been playing about with cloud seeding since before I learned about it in school in the 1960s. It is small scale stuff. It works sometimes ina small way in arid environments where people are desperate to start rainfall so their crops don't die. THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT...
  4. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Two minutes well spent ->
  5. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Yeah - keep on digging....
  6. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    And have you been able to make sense of Trump's rambling idiocy? Watch this unedited question and answer session - starts at 1:20. If you know what he said and if you think he answered the question, please do let us know.
  7. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    AI adds power to surveillance. How much are you really being watched?
  8. G

    Make your own ebike for not a lot

    If Bafang or other big ebike motor kit people see that stuff, they will be making systems just like that before he knows it. There are huge cost savings in those videos. The fabulous batteries and really thin wires for start, and who knew you don't need fancy connectors, and that all you need to...
  9. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I'm sorry that a man that I respect as a generous and well informed e-bike problem solver, has been sucked into a horrible, ugly cult. I hope you will escape the world of distortion and soon be well again.
  10. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    The 'truth', can ONLY be arrived at by dispassionately examining the full range of available alternatives, and rigorously fact checking sources. The data so derived, must then be judged and conclusions checked. Absolute avoidance of cherry picking and personal bias is fundamental. Anyone who...
  11. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    There is more and more utter nonsense arriving here. Black Rock is a giant tracker fund. It controls nothing except the charges it takes from investors - mostly the pension funds and insurance companies who put their money into its vast fund. Tracker funds buy into all publicly traded companies...
  12. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    The thing that made Sars-Covi-2 so bad for some people at the beginning of the outbreak when it first got out of that Chinese lab at Wuhan which was experimenting with bat viruses, was that when the virus really got a hold of them, some of them had a massive inflammation reaction where their...
  13. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    That's an over-simplified understanding of the concept of viruses, vaccines and how they work If you are unprotected viruses get inside (maybe through your nose or mouth into your breathing system) and start infecting your cells. They use the cell's functions to make more copies of themselves...
  14. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge Also ------ VERY bad language in the Whitehouse. What is Kamala's favourite expletive...
  15. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Famous Watergate spiller of beans Bob Woodward makes surprising revelations in his new book...... Trump kept in touch with Putin directly as many as seven times after leaving office. During his presidency, he even sent Putin Covid testing machines for his own use...
  16. G

    Changes to selling e-bikes, conversion kits and batteries on - No more private (personal) sales.

    I'm not going to argue against what you are saying there in general, but this ebike demonisation pattern we now see is a storm in a tea-cup when you look at the power technologies we have taken for granted in the twentieth century and up to now, and have tolerated on open sale to every numpty in...
  17. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    I think the big weakness of the conspiracy theory mindset is that it assumes that our governments are capable of keeping secrets - that's just for starters.... What we see is that they are constantly being rocked by revelations - Boris's parties (not really his - he was more the victim of them...
  18. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Ha ha ha..... That was before you were got at... :) I do sympathise with your issues concerning the BBC. In my view, it has been over run by lefty youngsters and people pushing agendas of a very liberal nature. This I think poisons a lot of their drama and documentary output. Their treatment...
  19. G

    Prices of the electricity we use to charge

    Here is another test of ChatGpt - I asked it a question about the reality of Aluminium / graphene batteries and whether they were just sales hype or technical reality for high power use. Then after its first answer I criticised one point and asked for more data which it produced...