More Seizures


Nov 8, 2024
Mine is emphysema thats a lung problem most people would just sit in a chair and do nothing .
i am stage 4 I do what I can and do not rely on others if possible .

i peddle when I can and throttle when I need a breather .

stability is no problem I used to kayak but never kept up with the others . And knew when it was time to stop kayaking .

riding my bike gets me out to the local beach for fishing a disability scooter would not go across any rough ground .

the beach is only 1 1/4 miles away and only cross a road the rest is waste land and cycle tracks .
Yes I don’t think the powers that be realise the freedom ebikes can bring to disabled people and should allow throttles if you can show a genuine need and have medical proof.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
I think more so that those with a disability that do their best to be out and about and be mobile (rather then those that give in and say no and sit indoors or do nothing) should look in to the realms of LPM 250w EAPC requirements.
It's takes away the threat of having the bike confiscated and if plod do try it on one can point out the Gov't DVLA web site and the 100% legality of having a 250LPM EAPC as according to DVLA and it bein gtested and conforming to regs with V5 certification.
In fact photocopy or carry a pic of it on a mobile phone for proof.

The test isn't an onourous one , obvious things like good brakes and a bike stand are required.
Battery securing and tidy wiring
It needs a plate /label conforming to the UK specs , max speed or voltage (both won't hurt) , wattage and a maker name maybe .

There aren't to many of these testing stations in the UK who carry out tests on EAPC's but one should be able to find one hopefuuly not too far away.
If one does ahve one not far away then maybe worth popping in and having a discuussion as to the exact requirements for the bike so as not to waste your time when presenting it for a test.

By far the easiest route is a Wisper EAPC for which Wisper will have the bike inspected/tested prior to delivery or being collected , there is an additionl small charge for this on top of the bike RRP but this is to be expected .
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
top speed uk.
This depends very much on the type of operation the aircraft are conducting. Although they can travel faster, our helicopters will usually cruise between 120-130knots (135-150mph), and aeroplanes 120-140knots (130-160mph) .


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
I am going to get my bike certified asap as mine is legal 36 volt 250 just the thumb throttle is the issue so I will be doing when i find out we’re to take the bike in Newcastle
It's not as easy as you think. There are many special requirements that can catch you out - things like it must have a stand, round ends on the levers, no sharp edges, cables all protected by trunking or covers and things like that. Watch some videos or read forum posts from people who have actually done it to see what's involved, otherwise you have to get it tested twice.
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Nov 8, 2024
It's not as easy as you think. There are many special requirements that can catch you out - things like it must have a stand, round ends on the levers, no sharp edges, cables all protected by trunking or covers and things like that. Watch some videos or read forum posts from people who have actually done it to see what's involved, otherwise you have to get it tested twice.
Thank you for the heads up all the things you mentioned I have even down to me putting edging rubber trim on my metal mudguards some months back which I did for looks and was pleasantly surprised to see it is something that has to be done, I also have plastic coverers on the wheel nuts and rubber coil protection on all cables but when I find out we’re I have to take the bike I will get a load of good closeup pictures of the bike and then contact or go to the said place to find out more before taking the bike.
Thanks again you all are a great help .
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Nov 8, 2024
Police Seize Modified E-Bike in Northamptonshire Over Road Violations
Police Seize Modified E-Bike in Northamptonshire Over Road Violations
I was told today that if your bike was made before 2018 and has a thumb throttle as standard it’s legal ? Perhaps those with real knowledge could clarify this I was told they call it grandad rights , very appropriate for me


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
2018 is incorrect , production date is pre 2016 .
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Nov 8, 2024
2018 is incorrect , production date is pre 2016 .
Thanks I need to find out when knapp Ebike rtd was first brought to Uk I. Bought mine second hand from a guy who had it 2 year and he only did 84 klm he kept in a motor home with heated garage and only used it to nip to shop when camping he did charge the battery a bit


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Thanks I need to find out when knapp Ebike rtd was first brought to Uk I. Bought mine second hand from a guy who had it 2 year and he only did 84 klm he kept in a motor home with heated garage and only used it to nip to shop when camping he did charge the battery a bit
I'm pretty sure that it wasn't 2016. Those sort of bikes have only been around for a few years. I would say 2020 at the earliest.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Essex police crack down on high speed illegal e-bikes
GET-TOUGH police are cracking down on electric bikes in Colchester after reports of some being ridden at 45mph — three times the legal limit.


Nov 8, 2024
I'm pretty sure that it wasn't 2016. Those sort of bikes have only been around for a few years. I would say 2020 at the earliest.
Yes I think you are correct barracuda rogue was a budget version without the fancy bits and 10ah battery Doh :) I can find dates for it.