I'll check the voltage but the display does turn on. What happens is that I get an error 10 code nor any speed readings. the original display wouldn't even turn on at all. It failed after 6 months of use. So the new one does turn on but receives no speed feedback and has the error code.
I'll check the voltage but the display does turn on. What happens is that I get an error 10 code nor any speed readings. the original display wouldn't even turn on at all. It failed after 6 months of use. So the new one does turn on but receives no speed feedback and has the error code.
Hi. I tested the voltage and got 4.83 V so I don't know what else could be the issue. Ordered a new display with the 5s protocol and got the same error e10 code
I tried that but nothing happened so I am guessing it is an issue with the motor. They replaced a flat tire at a bike shop but I am not sure if they damaged the wiring.
I tried that but nothing happened so I am guessing it is an issue with the motor. They replaced a flat tire at a bike shop but I am not sure if they damaged the wiring.
There should be a connector on the cable about 10 inches from the motor. make sure that it's pushed all the way in, then a bit more. There's a line that shows how far in it has to go.
There should be a connector on the cable about 10 inches from the motor. make sure that it's pushed all the way in, then a bit more. There's a line that shows how far in it has to go.