Recent content by Scunnybuddy

  1. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    At the battery and at the joining plug at the controller
  2. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    Already got the other one Matthew it's the same as the original one. What KT one do you recommend and Saneagle do you agree.
  3. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    Checked battery voltage 41.34 volts Checked voltage going to display 0 volts Checked voltage at V Crank sensor 0 volts Checked voltage at throttle plug 0 volts
  4. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    I haven't disconnected anything yet mate I'm going up in a minute to have a look at it.
  5. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    Got my new controller and LCD and I have brought a throttle with this one so hopefully that might make things a little better. Is there anything I should do or shouldn't do before I message at what stage I'm at. (Apart from don't blow this one up) do i have to change anything in the settings...
  6. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    No I didn't touch the LCD plug and definitely didn't touch the key plug.
  7. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    And how true this was.
  8. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    And they were the small reds in between the red and black.
  9. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    I only used the red to the blue and the red to the white because it's a little confusing. My old crank sensor was red blue and black and my new one is red white black. I will do the tests tonight as Harry says if there all OK I'll go back to the start and go through all the checks from what...
  10. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    Not sure matey but it won't turn on or anything.
  11. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    Not sure what's happened but I heard a pop and the screen has gone off and isn't working. Can anyone recommend not a expensive controller and display which will work with my bike please.
  12. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    I haven't got a throttle.
  13. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    No there is no click or tick from the motor and bridge after switching on
  14. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    I have bridged the red to blue as it says for the throttle but it doesn't do anything I have 5volt on the red going to the blue when linked. Could you look at the drawing and just clarify that it is the red,black and blue for theottle
  15. Scunnybuddy

    Not sure if this is in the right section

    I have just measured i hope this is right from black to thin green thin blue and thin yellow and thing white. Blue 4.93volts Yellow 235.8ohms Green 229.6ohms White 4.67 volts