Recent content by Michael Price

  1. M

    Injuries With Electric vs Conventional Scooters and Bicycles

    it is in the USA - so medical insurance may play a part??
  2. M

    DFT consultation on increase of 250W limit to 500W

    as here just to summarise consultation only increase of 250W to 500W Throttle allowed motor cutoff remains at 15 mph (ish) ANyone know any more??
  3. M


    If the bike is less than a year old then take it back and tell them that it is faulty - they have had sufficient opportunities to repair it and you want your money back Put this in writing Any comments about not riding on the road as just laughable! If they claim to not have a record of...
  4. M

    ebike problem

    If it happens again - try timing the amount of time that it stays on If it is the same every time then it points to something deliberate - if it is randomish - just around the same sort of thing - then I would suspect something triggering an overheating condition?
  5. M

    Riding ebike in the rain

    Been out on mine in the rain several time - not deliberately but certainly got soaked Actually several different ebikes - all have been just fine
  6. M

    Carrera CrossCity-e charger problem

    Thank you - you don;t seem to have a UK shop/workshop - is this correct? If not then I will look for someone who does - but thanks for replying
  7. M

    Carrera CrossCity-e charger problem

    Yes - this is why I tend to take it out once a month or so (I normally ride my non-folding bigger bike with a Bosch system) Then charge it again once I have ridden it down to only 1 or 2 LEDs left on but this time it doesn't seem to have worked
  8. M

    Carrera CrossCity-e charger problem

    Thanks - I have contected the company that recelled it but - just in case they do not want to help - is there a useful site/video about how to fix it myself I have always avoided stuff like this because, in spite of spending most of my life fixing computers, I never been good at small fiddly...
  9. M

    Carrera CrossCity-e charger problem

    Just checked everything out a bit more thoroughly After a few hours on 'charge' I have reconnected the battery back to the bike The charge display still shows only 1 led exactly the same as when I got back from yesterdays ride I have taken the battery out again and checked the voltage When the...
  10. M

    Carrera CrossCity-e charger problem

    Hello all, We have the above folding ebike - it is not used much but I like to take it out for a ride every months or so to keep it working and make sure the batter pack doesn't drop charge to a bad level Generally I take it out for a ride until the charge level on the led display is quite low...
  11. M

    Pondering on motor power ...

    Is there a web site that shows the torque preferably based on independent measurement but I think that is asking too much!
  12. M

    Belt drive - your experience of it?

    So your plan it "excuse me miss - my belt has snapped - can I you give me your tights please???" seems reasonable - what could go wrong!!!:oops::oops::oops:
  13. M

    Raleigh Motus creaky

    Hi all Posting this in case anyone else has the same problem I got a Motus - and hence Bosch Active Line mid drive system - about 3 years ago some time ago it developed an annoying creak whenever I put power through the pedals - fine with just motor The LBS had a look a few times whenI took...
  14. M

    Bosch PowerPack BMS replacement

    2 worrying things on here Firstly - sham Jimmy is winding down. He has done 2 of my bikes and did a good job - I suppose I will have to find someone else when the Carrera needs recelling again Secondly - my other bike os also a Motus - again I wouldn;t have bought it but it's a long story and...