Recent content by flecc

  1. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Not in the post I replied to and quoted, since it was once again trying to hide the fact that it is the USA who is by far the worst aggressor in today's world and has been ever since WW2. Russia doesn't even begin to rank in that context. .
  2. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Conveniently forgetting many other NATO members in Afghanistan and Syria. .
  3. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Good, why should we interfere their elections? They wouldn't be able to interfere with ours if we stopped encouraging them to with inadequate protections, due to such as postal voting and electoral colleges.. The reality is that the west is just as bad but with different methods. Remember D...
  4. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Equally bad. .
  5. flecc

    Where Do You Live V2.0

    You're in Baz, riding on the A407 Cricklewood Lane: Map Link .
  6. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    As previously said, reform it under the World name to perform all its other functions, minus the USA which doesn't want to pay anyway. Europe and worldwide allies, essentially the original North Atlantic Treaty Organisation less the USA. Isolated as I've long proposed, they wouldn't dare...
  7. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I was only speaking of the UN central chamber and its powers, not the charitable organisations which are often harmed by the centre, such as the USA not paying UNESCO dues for decades, though some paid back now. Trump for example was very anti UNESCO and could well stop that funding again...
  8. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    I've no idea what prompted Trump to say this, perhaps he is becoming envious of the way Russia might gain economically in Ukraine and China might gain from taking Taiwan, so wants to be one of a triumvirate of thieving bullies. One thing is certain, the USA "acquiring" them would nullify all...
  9. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Europe will end up with much of the cost, but Russia may contribute as part of a deal they see as favourable to them. The cost will not be as much as it might seem at present, since many of the huge number of Ukrainians now where they fled too will not return to be re housed and employed. .
  10. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Agreed 4 years from now? I personally don't see Ukraine be entirely Russian. Agreed, most will still be Ukrainian. Trump may be gone but Putin will still rule Russia if he's still alive. Agreed Who is going to oppose Putin then? No need, he is not a threat if not deliberately provoked. .
  11. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    There will be no need to. The Ukraine war will have been settled long before and Russia will not start a new war if not provoked to again, and I don't see Europe provoking one, nor Trump. In 4 years time Europe will be speaking with and trading with Russia. .
  12. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Not differently at all, that is the madness I speak of. However, now Zelenskyy has swallowed his pride and given a grovelling apology, European leaders will probably have the chance to back down to their usual mode of wait and see while doing nothing, business as normal. .
  13. flecc

    Brexit, for once some facts.

    Madness, when simple diplomacy could immediately stop any nuclear threats, stop the war and result in both Ukraine's and Europe's economies recovering in peace, also halting Russia's drift eastward as a bonus. Madness just to deal with the Western created Putin who will be dead soon anyway. It...
  14. flecc

    More Seizures

    Of course Northern Ireland's minister could pass the same ruling and for all I know might have done so since they usually follow our law. However that might be less than useful since N.I had no approved testing stations the last time I checked. .
  15. flecc

    More Seizures

    No, they are legal in Great Britain. It's only Northern Ireland in the UK that has devolved transport law. .