Safety and the benefits of an E bike for ME


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 24, 2023
I have cycled as we all have but I was always in fear of my limitations, inability to be agile, speed, inability to accelerate fast enough that would be expected at junctions, lights, roundabouts, and this severely impeded my cycling.

Now at 65 I am back again as you know with both bikes "E biked.

I now have, perhaps fals but confidence.

I no longer "fear" my limitations, I can move away faster than many car owners at lights, albeit for 5 feet :lol: :lol: I have no fear of hills, I know that I have the ability now that I never had, even on setting ONE.

So, are E bikes better than just bikes, REMEMBER what I said "Safety and the benefits of an E bike for ME" 100%, I know with almost certainty bar problems that I will and can go out AND come back safer, much safer than on a standard bike.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 23, 2023
Glad to hear your getting on so well so quickly,
my 1st week with my ebike was a little more of a bumpy ride getting used to the changes..


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 21, 2020
I second that - good to hear that the ebike works so well for you - are ebikes better than bikes? for you the answer would appear to be yes but that won't be the universal case.