KTM Machina Cross


Sep 14, 2009
This is probably not the correction forum to talk about this bike, but, nevertheless, here we go

I bought a new Machina Cross for my wife in May this year, and she has been delighted with it. The excellent David, at ElectrifyingCycles was the supplying dealer.

My wife had a choice between the KTM Bold with lights and rack, and a step through, but preferred the color and 'image' of the Cross, and at the time was quite happy getting a leg over the 50cm frame. She is only 5' 4", but coped fine, especially with a shorter stem, which I fitted.

6 months later, however, and with just 400 miles on the clock, she can now barely get a leg across the saddle, and does a weird and strange hop, to achieve this.

So the moral to this story is that the wrong bike choice can damage your wealth.

So it looks like an unmarked KTM Machina Cross is going to have to be sold, and some sort of step through being the next step

The bike has the 300 battery, but on our rides she uses the Tour (second) setting all the time, and even after 30 undulating Hertfordshire miles, she has only used up 2 lights on the 5 light display.

So a heavily discounted, still under 2 year warranty, Cross Nexus 8 needs to go to a good home. Any offers?

thanks Barrycoll



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 12, 2011
You do realise you can open up the suspension seatpost and cut down the elastomer (rubber spring) to make it lower? Or even fit a rigid seatpost. 50cm does sound much too big for someone 5'4" though. My bike is 50cm and i'm 6'1"...


Sep 14, 2009
thanks Streethawk

but she does not put a leg over the saddle.....she lays the bike slightly on its side, to lower the height of the cross bar, and then lifts a knee to get a foot over the bar (while moaning and groaning)....and then has to hop the bike back to upright with the other foot, before she can put the lifted foot back on the pedal.....it is all a bit dodgy, and as the lifted leg, is is her favoured left foot, and she is in the line of traffic

the saddle is at the right height to get a fully extended pedalling leg, and she is happy with sliding forward off the saddle to come to a halt


Sep 14, 2009
I have sent you a PM Richy, but I am in Muswell Hill N. London

Interesting the number of folk who are in the market for a Nexus 8 Cross....it does certainly tick all the boxes including a modest RRP.....it is a wonder that AVE and haibike have not picked up on this niche end of the market


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Barry,please accept my posting by way of assistance,I hope your wife takes it similarly. Firstly I think a 50cm frame is too big for her so reducing the seatpost height may help.
English ladies have a tendency to mount/dismount bikes in a way learnt from us guys,but in Holland I see tiny Dutch ladies riding bikes much too big for them (usually students with 'borrowed' bikes)...but when they dismount they step forward into the frame,when they set off they push the bike off with their best foot and then step up onto the saddle,they don't use the pedals until they are balanced. Your wife has a Macina Cross with a lowered x-bar bike,I assume she can stand in the frame above the lowered x-bar but she is riding the bike as if it has a high x-bar....the lowered saddle would help in having less height to drop on dismount and less height to rise on set off.
All this may be 'sucking eggs' for you,if that is the case I apologise.
But at least 30% of riders,not always ladies,when testing step thru type bikes just don't mount/dismount in a way that uses the lowered x-bar or step thru....I have testers who stop by falling over sideways,its not exactly elegant...I had one lady tester who said to me,my Safari bike is much too big (5'6" tall,43cm seat post),I persuaded her to stop by stepping forward....it felt unnatural to her at first but after 20 mins she admitted that it made bike riding much easier.
But maybe I don't understand all of your problem and there may be other factors which is making it difficult for your wife to ride the bike.
My london dealer has a step thru version of the KTM MAcina Bold with a small 43cm seat tube,this bike was specifically bought for small height riders who wanted to try a step thru....it would be a rare bike in the UK,latest 2014 spec due November.....London Electric Bike Company,Hampton Wick.
Hope that helps


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
As is often the case, Sheldon Brown has the answer:

Starting and Stopping

The step off dismount and restart takes a bit of mastering, but it's well worth it.

Electrifying Cycles

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 4, 2011
The only KTMs with a smaller frame size than 46cm are the new 2014 compact version and some of the mountain bikes like the Macina Race.

At the time too different frame sizes were tried 46 and 51. Both of which were tried out, we always make sure we offer good advice including on choosing the correct bike size, even when customers are remote it is possible to recommend the correct frame size if you have their vital statistics ;)

Good luck selling the bike, it is a great bike ;)


Sep 14, 2009
Thanks to the 2 Davids, and to Rob...

David at Electrifyingcycles did indeed insist that we try all frame sizes, when buying the Machina, but...

............... common sense does not always prevail, however, and my dear lady was swayed by the Roadster frame style in KTM White, and was happy to 'get a leg over' that afternoon....the step-through was more comfortable, but what is comfort when it conflicts with appearance???

Lowering the saddle is not the answer Dave, as the fully extended leg to the pedal would be compromised with a low saddle, and Dot is quite happy with pedaling off, and coming to a halt, once she is astride the bike, with that saddle height
...ultimately it is the height of the cross bar, as she lifts her left foot up, and over the cross bar to get on the bike, that is causing all the problems.

she rides the bike away from stationary as suggested by Sheldon Brown, although I cannot get her to click the Power settings up a notch to allow for more oomph on the first pedal stroke...sometimes the wobble makes me close my eyes!

there is a Lady Version of the Machina Cross, with parallel down tubes, unlike the 'traditional' Roadster frame shape, which would do the trick for mounting the bike, but it is not stocked widely (it seems)

Electrifying Cycles

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 4, 2011
Yes you want what is often called the semi-lowstep version (not a stepthrough) but has a crossbar which comes further down the seat tube. Should you wish happy to order one, you are welcome to give me a call.

All the best