Kalkhoff Agattu For Sale, Size S £585


Just Joined
Aug 7, 2009
Bought Dec 2007, I am the second owner, but I have paperwork etc.

49cm frame, (I’m 5’4”)

Previous owner used it about 3 days per week.

I used it much less.

Generally use for my shopping (hence enormous wicker basket on side) which is a mile and half on a cycle track and the odd trip to friends houses of similar’ish distances, finally got my balance and fitness back sufficiently to return back to ordinary bike as although the electric thing is reallllllly cool, and the bike is really solid and stokes along, and I have broken a kinda mental thing about how far I can cycle (as I always know as long as I can move my feet I can get home) so I have done odd longer trip of about 10miles on a sunny day – not impressive on this site I’m sure but good for me!
However, on the downside it is very heavy, and big, and I think I can now mange the short distances I travel (I’m kinda pretty sure I’m not going to regret getting rid of the bike, but...).

Why am I telling you all this? Well I don’t know much about bikes and how to describe them. I’ve taken a pic, but it still just looks like a kalkhoff agattu bike.
It works fine, the battery still holds a full charge (5 lights + ). It was serviced in the autumn, and had new tyres last week. I think the gear shift may be a bit dodgey, it was very stiff in the autumn, but is now okay (but I haven’t done anything too it, so that’s where the dodgey bit comes in). It also has a few scratches and the handle of the battery is still a handle but a bit broken along the edge (previous owner not me). Also the wheel lock is a bit rusty, but I have a new one in the attic if you want to fit that I can bung it in.

Please ask questions/PM me if you’re interested, and I’ll try to take a photo or respond in a layman’s terms. I live in South Wales, but happy to have a day out/meet halfway to deliver as long it is a train’able and cheap destination.

I thought I’d bung it on here first for a week or so then Ebay.:cool:



Just Joined
Aug 7, 2009
...darn it, managed not to use it up until yesterday then couldn't resist! However have put on ebay anyway (I'm trying to be brave). Also saw a spare battery for a Kalkoff, starting at £40.
