How to add a throttle to a Carrera Vengeance E Spec


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea


Jul 7, 2020
How did you feed the throttle cable to the handle bars?
Use the frame :)
I fed the cable on the same path as the handlebar controller, there is enough room to squeeze the cable.
Then all you would need is to dodge the wires internally (that was the most difficult) and bring it to the controller. Once there you can use the same hole where the battery main wires go and just slip it out to the box mounted outside.
This way your cable is safe and you keep the frame looking nice with no visible wires.
Here is a pic of how its setup:


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Jun 5, 2020
That is a brilliant setup! Like a datacentre in your home!
I’m struggling to get the handle bar grips off!!
happy to pay you if you can ship me a 3D printed case
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Jul 7, 2020
That is a brilliant setup! Like a datacentre in your home!
I’m struggling to get the handle bar grips off!!
happy to pay you if you can ship me a 3D printed case
It's my own private network with multiple VM's and the NAS (with backup).
Pm me about the 3D project


Jun 5, 2020
Looking for some guidance I am on the middle of moving house so all my tools are packed away so removing handle bar grips is becoming a painful task!

anyone know where I can get these from? Or how to fabricate this using off the shelf bits! I’m trying to work out ways of attaching the throttle without removing grips.


Just Joined
May 10, 2021
Many thanks to all you guys that worked so hard to complete this modification project for the Carrera Vengeance. I have read this discussion many times to make sure I didn't miss anything and I am going to give it a go because as an elderly cyclist it would be a great aid.

I have a fairly new Vengeance and it appears there would be plenty of room to place the Arduino Nano pre wired (with appropriate plug and socket then covered in heat shrink inside the controller enclosure).
This will then make the Nano unit a plug and play without any modifications to the bike wiring.
see attached photo.

The plug and socket between the sensor and controller (top plug in photo) is a 6 way unit but not utilising the 2 middle pins. Once I receive the female part of the connector (on back order) and throttle I will let you know if the mod works for me or if I have blown the bike up!.



Jul 7, 2020
Many thanks to all you guys that worked so hard to complete this modification project for the Carrera Vengeance. I have read this discussion many times to make sure I didn't miss anything and I am going to give it a go because as an elderly cyclist it would be a great aid.

I have a fairly new Vengeance and it appears there would be plenty of room to place the Arduino Nano pre wired (with appropriate plug and socket then covered in heat shrink inside the controller enclosure).
This will then make the Nano unit a plug and play without any modifications to the bike wiring.
see attached photo.

The plug and socket between the sensor and controller (top plug in photo) is a 6 way unit but not utilising the 2 middle pins. Once I receive the female part of the connector (on back order) and throttle I will let you know if the mod works for me or if I have blown the bike up!.
Ohh a new 2021 model!
It does look more spacious than the 2019-2020 models and it seems they removed some features (the programming socket and lights extension)
The connector looks to be the same as before but just squared (4 pin), what i do hope is that it maintains the same voltage readings as we found out.
Water and mud can get inside that compartment very easily (rainy days), so when placing the nano make sure it is indeed water tight.


Just Joined
May 10, 2021
Partly wired test rig the other part of the plug will be here next week.
If everything works ok the plan is to solder smaller wires directly to a nano without pins then encase in shrink
and tuck the nano up inside the tube.



Just Joined
Apr 1, 2021
Using the circuit attached consisting of a momentary switch to supply 5v from the PAS supply lines to an NE555, wired as an astable oscillator, and to activate a relay to disconnect the signal line from the PAS to the controller, I have been able to mimic the PAS and energise the motor without having to turn the pedals.
The throttle is either On or Off, there is no intermediate control, but this exactly the same as the normal PAS.
The NE555 was bought as a board from eBay for a little over £2 (see second attachment) and offers a wide range of signal frequencies and duty cycles using dip connectors and fine tuning using the variable potentiometers.
I have found a 7Hz frequency and a 55% duty cycle to be effective, but this does not need to be precise.
I have recently used your idea on my Aerobike, but in my case I used it to totally replace the PAS sensor, as I wanted more control of when the motor kicked in. I built the circuit using discrete components on perfboard, and the values I used were R1 = 2k2, R2 = 10k, C = 10uF. As I didn't need a relay, this made it small enough to get tucked inside the frame along with the other cables and connectors (after encasing it in heat-shrink). I now feel much safer when manoeuvring around obstacles and people, and it's made the whole riding experience more enjoyable. The only downside is the pressure to keep the handlebar button pressed; perhaps I'll try shortening the spring.



Just Joined
Aug 13, 2021
No problem :) I've decided to turn this into a commercial product.

Just waiting for the components to arrive and finalise the design. I'm hoping to be able to provide a throttle upgrade for most of the Carrera range. Website will be .. I'm currently working on getting it finished whilst I'm waiting for the bits to arrive. I will be doing a run of 20 Vengeance Throttle kits to start with. Will offer a v.nice and extra discount to forum members too.
View attachment 25462
Hoping to have the first kits ready in the next 4 weeks. Just finished conducting tests on potting resin for the electronics for protection.

Exciting times.. :)

Did you complete this?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Did you complete this?
IMHO, this project is just a bit of fun and learning. A much more practical solution is to replace the control system for around £80, which then allows you to get whatever power and speed you want with or without a throttle, and at the same time gets rid of all the unreliable parts in the Suntour system. Also, it gives you a chance to get a decent crankset - win, win,win!


Just Joined
Nov 18, 2021
I e just bought vulcan espec and want to add a throttle as the assist is already a complete noob to all this so can anyone dummies it down for me on how to do this as easy as possible.thanks


Just Joined
Dec 6, 2021
IMHO, this project is just a bit of fun and learning. A much more practical solution is to replace the control system for around £80, which then allows you to get whatever power and speed you want with or without a throttle, and at the same time gets rid of all the unreliable parts in the Suntour system. Also, it gives you a chance to get a decent crankset - win, win,win!
Can you link a suitable one please, I have gone over this whole thread, at least 10 times now, and this setup does not work for mine, My bike had the LED control unit not the LCD version. my head is mashed now ;(


Just Joined
Mar 20, 2022
UPDATED v1.1 code (30/05/2018)
Improved the pulse conversion from the throttle
Improved the pulse replication from the pedal

So, with the kind help from Tony at I've been able to complete this little project. :) He supplied a thumb throttle and a replacement DH Sensor which is the 12 magnet type on these Carrera bikes. The original PAS DH sensor on my bike was faulty which is why I needed a replacement. You can just use the original if it's working.

If I were to do it again I would most likely go for a throttle grip rather than a thumb one, as it would be easier to fit. If you are going to use a thumb throttle then you can only fit one of the left side as the right you have the gears and they get in the way.

To complete this little project I used

Arudino Nano v3 (eBay etc.. )
Thumb accelerator (
Replacement PAS - pedal assist sensor ( only require as my original one was broken

Below is the diagram for wiring it all up.

View attachment 25014

All the above does is generate a pulse which would normally come from the pedals. I've coded it so you can still use the pedals if the throttle isn't being used.

Please test before adding power from your controller... I tested mine in the Arduino serial monitor and it should output as..

No output when nothing is happening.
On low throttle you should see around 550.
On full throttle you should see around 80.
No throttle but moving pedals - see text pedal round..

View attachment 25017

If you see any other values you may need to adjust the range. This is done in the following lines....

pulseoff = (510 - (val / 1.4))+220;

This seems to output a range of 70 - 580.. 580 is when the throttle is off, anything above 560 is ignored. (works in reverse).

// Wrote by CdRsKuLL  30th May 2018 v.1.1
// Updated pedal code to match input when throttle not being used.
// Updated range as it was stalling the motor at to fast.
// Please have fun but always test the output before connecting it the the bike.. safety first!!
int throttlePin = 0;
int pulseoff = 600;
int pulseon = 0;
int val = 0;
bool pulse = false;
bool throttle = false;
int pedalin = 2;
unsigned long startMillis;
unsigned long currentMillis;
void setup() {
  pinMode(pedalin, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(pedalin), pedalon, CHANGE);
  startMillis = millis();
void loop() {
  currentMillis = millis();
  val = analogRead(throttlePin);
  pulseoff = (600 - (val / 1.7)) + 120;
  pulseon = int(pulseoff / 3);
  if (pulse == false) {
    if (pulseoff < 550) {
      if (throttle == false) { //removes the halfsecond possible delay on first start up.
        digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
        throttle = true;
        pulse = true;
      } else {
        if (currentMillis > (startMillis + pulseoff)) { //send pulse
          digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
          pulse = true;
          startMillis = millis();
          throttle = true;
    } else {
      throttle = false;
  } else {
    if (currentMillis > (startMillis + pulseon)) {
      pulse = false;
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
void pedalon()    //Called when pedal is moved
  if (throttle == false) { //Only passes signal if throttle is not being used, otherwise ignored.
    if (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) {
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
    } else {
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
    Serial.println("pedal round..");
Any questions please ask away :)

Hope this comes in handy for others.

Video below was before I recieved the throttle from wooshbikes.. just a proof of concept.

View attachment 25018

View attachment 25019

3D printed Arduino Nano temp case

View attachment 25023

View attachment 25025

View attachment 25024

Hi. I know this post is old but can you make me a setup for my carrera vengeance e bike?


Just Joined
Apr 28, 2022
Will this (or any other kit you are working on) derestrict the Crossfire-e ? I'm not interested in using a throttle but would like to get another 3-4 mph top speed. If you could do that, then you would sell hundreds of them
This, I'd put an order down right away for both my carrera bikes.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 29, 2022
Am currently tinkering with triggering the PAS sensor on a Carrera Vengeance by various means - is there a maximum number of times to activate the PAS sensor before the controller will either ignore the pulses or give an error?

Does the motor sense the speed or is it based on pedalling rate, or another sensor elsewhere which uses the wheel size to determine speed. I assume somewhere once the bike controller believes the bike is going at 25kmph it stops providing power to the motor.

Rather than amending the system as it is i am passing a ring of magnets by the hall sensor - works ok in testing so far but plan on making it all a bit more elegant and practical. Same system should work on any bike with a similar sensor prompted by pedalling motion


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 27, 2022
So i attempted with with an arduino nano. PAS worked as expected, using the console i could see it was detecting the throttle and detecting the PAS. However, i was not able to get the motor to turn at all.

My bike is the 2021 version of the Carrera Vengance ESpec. Im ok with wiring. However, coding is somthing im new to. I used the original code on this post. Do i need to change anything in the code to get the motor to spin?

Great project by the way!
