BH emotion Neo Cross - has anyone tried one?


Sep 13, 2009
Herts & Spain
where is that exclude button..anyone?
Eddie if, like me, you wish to avoid reading posts by those who aggravate you with intent, click the name, then profile and you will find the "Add to ignore list" facility. I have had a handful on my list for some time now and I find it makes the forum experience much nicer. None on my list ever contributed anything of interest to me anyway so I don't miss their input.

Hi All,
Interesting thread! Heated to say the least. We sell the Neo from our shop in Penrith and I may be biased but If this bike is made with cheap components, then BH are miracle workers cause it's a great ride.
I'm using it to commute daily and apart from an initial problem with the torque sensor which was easily sorted It has been a joy. It is particularly good at hill climbing and being a lazy cyclist I love this.
The brakes are very crisp and the range is better than advertised for me. I get 27 miles on boost if it's not too windy with a little left over at 1 bar showing on the readout.(BH claim 30 on Eco)
Yes we sell them and want people to buy, but in all honesty It's a great bike and I recommend trying one out at your nearest dealer.


Jul 7, 2008
No IF about it? £40 gear set and £45 shocks

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
Hi All,
Interesting thread! Heated to say the least. We sell the Neo from our shop in Penrith and I may be biased but If this bike is made with cheap components, then BH are miracle workers cause it's a great ride.
I'm using it to commute daily and apart from an initial problem with the torque sensor which was easily sorted It has been a joy. It is particularly good at hill climbing and being a lazy cyclist I love this.
The brakes are very crisp and the range is better than advertised for me. I get 27 miles on boost if it's not too windy with a little left over at 1 bar showing on the readout.(BH claim 30 on Eco)
Yes we sell them and want people to buy, but in all honesty It's a great bike and I recommend trying one out at your nearest dealer.
I think that the ride quality depends on what you use the bike for. A couple of weeks ago, I had a ride on a really top spec bike (Non electric) and on the road could not detect any difference to any other bike I have ridden. This shows that either, (a) I am unsophisticated, or (b) there is no difference for a normal rider who is neither racing or off road.
I do take Eddies point that the price of the bike should be less, if based on the quality of the components.
But, the big question for me is just what do you get for paying a lot more for high end components? Are they really all that better or just 're-assuringly expensive?'


Jul 7, 2008
In that price range I think I would expect XT or 8 speed or even 11 speed Alfina (others do it) and a hell of a lot better shocks..........someone will be along soon saying I am missing the point and have no soul.....

I would hope you would be able to tell the difference, XT are the nicest gears I have ever used. If you cant pointless spending the money.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 18, 2012


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 5, 2012
Near Bristol
Thought I would post my experience of the BH E-motion Neo Cross here.... my other half bought a Neo City and I bought the Neo Cross. The design of the bike's are fantastic and seem good quality but I'm afraid I've had a few problems that are frustrating me.
Almost immediately (2nd or 3rd ride out) I had a pedal that started to make a loud clunk on each turn, that was speedily sorted by the dealer opening on a bank holiday to switch it over for me.
No more problems for a few weeks until I started to notice that there was a noise like something was hitting the spokes, but there was nothing there. Never having heard this before it took me some time and another ride or two to suss out that it was the spokes. When I sussed this (we were out on a ride) and I checked them they were really really loose, so I found the nearest bike dealer to get them tightened. That was fine for another couple of rides, then I noticed that a spoke had broken.
It's been back to the dealer this week to get that sorted with a new spoke, the rest tightened and the wheel realigned. Just done a 20 mile ride now, and the pedal has started clunking, the bearings are visibly coming out... and yes you've guessed it a spoke has just broken again!
So at the moment I'm really frustrated with the bike and wondering if I've bought a lemon.
The other halfs bike has been fine though... maybe I'm just unlucky!
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Jul 7, 2008
along with the general poor specification for the money, the wheels are not a known "named" brand either, as you have discovered..I find it staggering that people pay top dollar for bikes with such a low specification. Just get seduced by the eye candy or sales talk..its beyond me.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 5, 2012
Near Bristol
along with the general poor specification for the money, the wheels are not a known "named" brand either, as you have discovered..I find it staggering that people pay top dollar for bikes with such a low specification. Just get seduced by the eye candy or sales talk..its beyond me.
Well on the basis that I know nothing about bikes and my most expensive one was around £100 I was and still am at the bottom of the knowledge curve with regard to bikes. Two dealers independently recommended the BH Emotions both saying they were good quality, how am I to know anything different in a field I know nothing about??


Jul 7, 2008
quite easily...for a start don't believe salesman. buying a bike is a bit like comparing computers, its all about the componants. with a PC you just compare processor/video card/ HD etc.....same applys to bikes

I dont know much either, but when this was mentioned I looked at spec and compared with 2 other bikes in same price range. The 2 others had £200 - 250 shocks (neo £45) and £180 + gear sets (neo £40) No need to look further really....


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 5, 2012
Near Bristol
quite easily...for a start don't believe salesman. buying a bike is a bit like comparing computers, its all about the componants. with a PC you just compare processor/video card/ HD etc.....same applys to bikes

I dont know much either, but when this was mentioned I looked at spec and compared with 2 other bikes in same price range. The 2 others had £200 - 250 shocks (neo £45) and £180 + gear sets (neo £40) No need to look further really....
So what happens when you don't know it's all about the components? As I say my experience of bikes is at the £100 end of the market.
Anyway the point of my post was to see if any other Neo Cross users had problems with pedals or spokes.
I've had no problems so far with the other components.

Also a point you haven't mentioned is that I'm happy to pay a premium for the design which IMHO looks fantastic.


Jul 7, 2008
ANY purchase is surely about the balance between quality and price..not salesman BS, that should be ingnored at all costs.

I find it odd that people come on here post purchase and not beforehand. You can gather information, opinion and facts on here, which can really help making an informed buying decision

I would never buy a bike with such an odd battery....Lets see if you feel the same way when in a few years you need a replacement battery


May 23, 2012


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 5, 2012
Near Bristol
ANY purchase is surely about the balance between quality and price..not salesman BS, that should be ingnored at all costs.

I find it odd that people come on here post purchase and not beforehand. You can gather information, opinion and facts on here, which can really help making an informed buying decision

I would never buy a bike with such an odd battery....Lets see if you feel the same way when in a few years you need a replacement battery
Interestingly I did just that and researched the Neo Cross and could see only good reviews. Never even thought to look at the individual components or do further research on specific parts.


Oct 25, 2006
In truth though even cheap wheels perform ok, you've just got one with a poor build of one of its wheels which often happens with machine built wheels, which most are these days. A rebuild by someone who knows how to do that properly will solve that permanently. Then replacing the pedals will fix the other issue, again a far from uncommon problem on modern bikes, and your bike will be as good as the wife's.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 5, 2012
Near Bristol
In truth though even cheap wheels perform ok, you've just got one with a poor build of one of its wheels which often happens with machine built wheels, which most are these days. A rebuild by someone who knows how to do that properly will solve that permanently. Then replacing the pedals will fix the other issue, again a far from uncommon problem on modern bikes, and your bike will be as good as the wife's.
Thanks, some helpful advice.
Is it ok to ride a bike with a broken spoke if the others are all tight?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 4, 2012
you can always rely on Flecc to give commonsense unbiased advice and help


Oct 25, 2006
Thanks, some helpful advice.
Is it ok to ride a bike with a broken spoke if the others are all tight?
Yes definitely, especially on wheels with 36 spokes like yours. That gives considerable redundancy and with disc brakes you don't need to worry about any side to side out of true at the rim. You can get it fixed at any time at your leisure.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 2, 2011
Uckfield East Sussex

Sorry to hear you are having a problem with your bike, we are dealing with it and it will be resolved by the end of this week. Rob Montgomery.
Thought I would post my experience of the BH E-motion Neo Cross here.... my other half bought a Neo City and I bought the Neo Cross. The design of the bike's are fantastic and seem good quality but I'm afraid I've had a few problems that are frustrating me.
Almost immediately (2nd or 3rd ride out) I had a pedal that started to make a loud clunk on each turn, that was speedily sorted by the dealer opening on a bank holiday to switch it over for me.
No more problems for a few weeks until I started to notice that there was a noise like something was hitting the spokes, but there was nothing there. Never having heard this before it took me some time and another ride or two to suss out that it was the spokes. When I sussed this (we were out on a ride) and I checked them they were really really loose, so I found the nearest bike dealer to get them tightened. That was fine for another couple of rides, then I noticed that a spoke had broken.
It's been back to the dealer this week to get that sorted with a new spoke, the rest tightened and the wheel realigned. Just done a 20 mile ride now, and the pedal has started clunking, the bearings are visibly coming out... and yes you've guessed it a spoke has just broken again!
So at the moment I'm really frustrated with the bike and wondering if I've bought a lemon.
The other halfs bike has been fine though... maybe I'm just unlucky!