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My partner has a pendleton somerby, which she has not used for six months and unfortunately the battery will not charge. The charger had shown a green light but no charge had been going in. However I have opened the battery and effected a fairly simple fix.
Part 7.
By the way, someone here worked out recently that riding a high priced e-bike can actually cost more per Kilometer to
run than a small car, when viewed over a few years, sad but true!!!
And most people have both!
Have a great day.
Part 6.
Its also your choice as to whether you heed the infos, but if you have 2000 UK ponds to spend, may I suggest two
identical hub bikes, which will give you a full set of spares, including a second battery!
If you need any further infos, I will do my best for you.
Part 5.
Repairing such bikes, if and when, is really simple for any reasonable DIYer, or any LBS.
Please be so kind as to keep this info to yourself, as the "Bosch Bullies" here can get very rude when you tell them
that their "baby" has problems.
Part 5.
One new chain and many brake pads.....It cost new withe 2 batteries, delivery and import duties, including all
the extras except the GPS (I have one!), just over 900 UK Pounds.
For generic Chinese (all e-bikes are Chinese, but some try and hide that!) bikes, all parts are available online, and do not have to come from the manufacturer!!! Almost anyone can sell compatible parts.
Part 4.
If the chain breaks on a hub bike, the motor can still drive and be activated by either PAS system (air pedaling), or
the throttle if you have one, and provided there is some battery capacity still, you simply ride home!
Plus complete hub bikes can be had for less than 1000 UK Pounds, including a second battery. I ride one of them since
Part 3.
If the chain breaks, you have to walk home unless you have a spare chain, the tools needed and lighting at night. Plus that you know how to repair it.
On hub bikes, the only stress is muscle that power goes through the chain, assuming that you are pedaling, otherwise no stress is applied to the chain. The chain wears even slower than a normal pedal bike chain does.
Part 2.
A spare repaired Bosch motor, without fitting, and not being new either, costs around 800 UK Pounds, and has been known to fail on the first rude occasionally....
Also, mid motor bikes have a single point of failure as all power, muscle and motor, go through the same drive chain and sprockets, so they all wear faster, and need to be replaced far more often than a hub bike.
Part 1.Be very wary of mid motor bikes, especially ones using Bosch parts, as Bosch never supplies spare parts, you must let them pr their service agent, do all repairs and servicing, which you pay for once the guarantee is gone. Its not cheap.
Part 2 follows shortly. restrictive number of characters, only 420!
Hey. I was just wondering. My husband has the bizango e. He needs to replace all his brakes. He has everything except the pads. A look thro the book has no results. Two trips to Halfords...they have no clue ‍♀ Wondering can you help me as I noticed you have replaced yours. The boy at Halfords states there are hundreds of Shimanos...really appreicate if u can help me out!!
Here is a link to the code that I am using on the ebike.
Originally, I used a fixed value of 50V for the power calculation. This is now changed to reading the battery voltage from a voltage divider which is sampled from the display connector.
It might be best to replace the sample with a constant 50V for your testing.
Web page is but I have found it sometimes doesn’t load and if/when it does it’s very slow.
Hi. Not sure if this a message service but here goes anyway. Try this mobile number for Steven the battery re-cell guy. Thanks. 07864 798447, Tell him I've recommended you. Thanks. Chris
Hi everyone. Steven has just messaged me to confirm he is still doing battery re-celling. He doesn't use Facebook too much so he said it would be better to telephone him. You can contact: If anyone wants to contact: Steven Harvey on 07864 798447. All the best peeps.
Wisper 905se counterfeit brakes? Before I bought my bike I have seen on YouTube that wisper has Tektro brakes. The bike that I bought at the end of May this year, comes with brakes that don’t have name. They look like cheap brakes that still make noise after 350 miles. Today I discovered a recent post on YouTube that wisper has Tektro brakes!!! Is anyone else in the same boat with me with no name brakes please?