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Now I know why our conversation about your Wisper petered out........ very sorry to hear about your heart attack. Take it easy and don’t rush your recovery, be patient. A year ago I was very low with cancer but now am back to full health and enjoying life.
All the best
... odd occasions, but before I buy it I just want to check if the 500w rear hub can be used on the same controller as the 250w front hub and what is the approximate weight difference between the two hubs.
Hello Aardvark5. Hopefully you can help me with some advice from your experience with the Cyclotricity kits. I have recently purchased the Cyclotricity 250w front kit and I am very happy with it for my every day commuting on public roads, but on the very steep off-road uphills with a gradient of above 13%, it can be quite a struggle. So I am thinking of getting the 500w rear kit and swapping the wheels on those ...
I have a 2016 Haibike sduro Cross SL. I love riding it, but even with a grade, it is geared so low that I can't pedal any faster than about 29 mph. I would like to put a 2 x 10 front derailleur and second chain ring on it. Do you know where I can find what parts I need? I also have a 2017 Xduro 6.5 that is 2 x 10 already. Would my SL use the same derailleur and chainring? Would I need to change the hub?
Hi Warwick - interested in your post - i have Oxygen Emate bought August 2016 - went to use today & could not turn on - had spare display - tried that same problem no display - checked batt voltage 41.5v so ok - disconnected/reconnected all plug/sockets - checked male/female batt connections similiar to your pic...took controller cover (base batt mounting) looks naff job but nothing obviuosly wrong-Any idea's?
Hey Wheel-E, I saw your posts about the Stealth 500W, really helpful so thanks for sharing man! Just wondering what do you make of the Stealth for urban riding and as an all rounder? Thinking about getting one for my commute, the 19ah one. Also a little unsure about the range.
Hi, I need to be at the airport for 3:20pm, so anything between 2:00 and 3:00pm works for me, if it is not far away from Gatwick
New to Ebiking. Got a Carrea Crossfuse my first ebike. Mad Celtic FC supporter. Love soul music. Always ready fer eeeeeeebiking
Thanks Damien I did identify it, PS the Rio is superb. My Rio had replaced an illegal 1500 watt bike. You know what the Rio is better, extra power is not always the Best all and end all. I run my Rio at a 18 mph cut off it is all that you need. My old bike was 48v and 29 mph. I much prefer the Rio more like a bike.