Got it, you added the letters. No wonder I was baffled!
Still leaves some queries, but here's the bulk of it:
M and N on the motor go to C and B on the controller. Match the colours of course. The other 3 motor leads (P, Q and R) are optional motor sensor ones, so leave unconnected for the time being.
Green and Red on the controller go the throttle, it seems red to red and green to white, with the black on the throttle going to earth, but they've left a query on that black as you'll see on the diagram note. You don't seem to have a wire to connect that black one to, but it must eventually connect to the controller point marked "battery earth".
Black, Orange and Grey on the controller are optional motor feedback sensor connections, so leave off for the time being. They would go to P, Q and R on the motor, but the colour codes don't match so you'll need clarification from Cyclone if you wanted to connect those.
The remaining White wire on the controller is an optional brake sensor if you have brake levers incorporating appropriate switches.
I can't tell you where the Blue wire A on the controller goes to. It's obviously live with the battery positive, but there are no connections shown for it. Therefore you'll again need clarification from Cyclone of it's purpose.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but there just isn't enough information there to be conclusive on the two query points. These colour code mismatches are sadly all too common in Chinese production.
One final thing. Can you confirm that the wire shown as N on the motor is in fact black, and not a dark blue?