just fixed a second hand Whoosh Sirocco - took me ages and it was a faulty throttle - so very please about that. It's a 2010-2011 model and I wonder if the controller has a speed limiter? There is a double grey wire with a plug on the end which plugs into it self by a single wire with a separate plug which plugs into the double wire. I unplugged this wire and the motor runs ok but not tried this on the road yet.
Incidentally I say it's a grey wire but I'm color blind and curious.
just fixed a second hand Whoosh Sirocco - took me ages and it was a faulty throttle - so very please about that. It's a 2010-2011 model and I wonder if the controller has a speed limiter? There is a double grey wire with a plug on the end which plugs into it self by a single wire with a separate plug which plugs into the double wire. I unplugged this wire and the motor runs ok but not tried this on the road yet.
Incidentally I say it's a grey wire but I'm color blind and curious.