Can anyone suggest a good helmet please?
Im looking to buy a good quality helmet for commuting, but I want one more like a MTB helmet with protection down the back of the head, and sides. Im happy to buy a branded helmet although this might not necessarily mean its the best. Adjustable peak might be useful in low sun.
So far I'm looking at the following..
POC Tectal £150
Seven M2 £100
Giro Chronicle £75
Scott Centric MIPS £92
Im looking to buy a good quality helmet for commuting, but I want one more like a MTB helmet with protection down the back of the head, and sides. Im happy to buy a branded helmet although this might not necessarily mean its the best. Adjustable peak might be useful in low sun.
So far I'm looking at the following..
POC Tectal £150
Seven M2 £100
Giro Chronicle £75
Scott Centric MIPS £92
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