Which folder?

John Fleet

Mar 26, 2007
Whitley Bay
I'm seriously considering my first e-bike. Not for commuting but for pleasure, which will probably often mean driving and then biking. So I'm inclined to go for a folder. After much perusing of this excellent site there seem to be 3 viable candidates, viz;

1. Ezee Quando I or II
2. UM24
3. Wisper 805fe

I'd be very grateful for members' views on the merits of these three alternatives. If its helps, I'm 92 Kg, 50 yoa, moderately fit and 5'10"

Thanks in advance....

John Fleet


Oct 25, 2006
I can vouch for the Quando II being a tough bike and excellent hill climber John. I have a section on one of my websites on the Quando and the following might interest you:

The ride.

I was 75 kilos at the time of that write-up, so a little interpretation needed for our weight difference.

John Fleet

Mar 26, 2007
Whitley Bay
Which Folder

Hi Flecc
yes, I've read all our your posts; particularly the story of the Q bike and mighty impressive that seems to be.
In favour of the Quando seems to be the build quality and 50cc's support, but the single ungeared drive puts me off somewhat, as I don't want to entirely reliant on the electric drive and frankly a single speed bike strikes me as pretty absurd...



Oct 25, 2006
Yes, it's definitely not for cycling on the flat John, since the motor outruns the pedalling, though ok in my constantly hilly area where I'm that touch slower uphill so can pedal there, and just fly down the other side of course!

I added gears to mine in it's Q bike guise, but that's very far from being a simple job.