where to get 12v 8ah 5hr sla batterys


Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 11, 2011
I have finally got an electric bike it's not what i wanted but it was brand new for £200 unfortunatley the battery seems to only give around 5 miles on flatish ground before it starts to pulse and only gives enough power for around 7.5 mph .
The old gentelman that I bought it off had not even assembled the bike but I think it must of stood for a while as the battery is not performing well enough it has now had three full charges but no real improvement.

It is my crafty plan to prove to everyone that I serious about using an electric bike to get to work and back and in doing so to save a bit of money so I can get a much better bike like a kalkoff.

It has 12v 8ah 5hr batterys the dimensions are h 100 w 110 d 87.
the only markings on the battery are 5110410307240 and xk06-044-00367
the battery slides down the inside of the frame and can best be described as generic and is the same one used in lots of cheap bikes though mine is the sla version .
This is the same bike with better battery on ebay "

The journey I need to cover is only 6 miles each way and I can charge at work but it is best considered very off road and moderatley hilly so I think if the sla battery was working well it should be able to cope .


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 3, 2009
Harrow, Middlesex
It's a generic size and shape, but you'll probably find it's now 12V 9Ah as the capacity of all those small SLAs has improved over the past year or two.

The problem is getting a type which allows for the high discharge rate required by an e-bike. SLAs don't have a very good life in an ebike application at best, but if you pick a type which isn't designed for high peak loading it will last even less time. Look on-line for a type specified for mobile vehicle applications.

What you can buy in Maplins will probably not be much good.



Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 11, 2011
Does anybody know if these would be ok as a replacment I would have to modify the battery box but there is plenty of height since i have the seat as high as it will go anyway.?

They do the 12v 7.5 ah but they are the same size so might as well go bigger capacity.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 11, 2011
Thanks for reply it I am a bit new to all this I don't mind soldering etc and I could forgo the proper batter box to get better power but on my bike there is no place but under the seat for a battery.
How would I know if the battery would be suitable ie hi peak etc .


Aug 20, 2010
If you search on e-bay for 'electric bike battery' there are a few 12v sla but they are pretty expensive given that for a bit more you can get a lighter lithium battery.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 11, 2011
Ebay is were I started but they are almost all 12v but much bigger dimensions .
I have been in touch with batterybay who is the main seller of sla batterys on ebay and he has some 12v 7.5 ones that will fit into my case longways but one will stick out .
I have also found that component shop sell some 12v 9ah mentioned in the above post that have the same dimensions and look like the same batterys most other sellers sell but they don't say if they would be suitable for electric bikes so I have emailed them.
Vbat have the same size batterys and list them as deep cycle or standard but they are not cheap at £28.66 each .

I am tempted to get the 12v 7.5ah ones from batterybay @£32.97 delivered for three 180645200598 as they are made for electric motors etc but I don't know if they would give me enough range or not ?

The other alternatives are wait for a reponse from component shop and if theres are suitable get the 12v 9ah ones @ £48.50 delivered .

Or just forget about trieing to fit anything in the battery box and just get some decent 12v 12ah ones from batterybay and make a case of some sort.

There are the ycell and rita ones in 12v 9ah on ebay as well but I have no idea which is better does anybody else ?

I don't want to go and get a li on etc as this is just a stop gap bike to get me going I will get a new one eventually with its own new battery.
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 11, 2011
I was about to order 12v 9ah ritar batterys from ebay whan I stumbled across bat-bike.co.uk he sells 12v 12ah batterys that look like the right one for my bike and probably for allot of other bikes out there from what i can see he sells the exact model that I have though he wants me to send photographs in order that he can make sure they are the same .
I will re post on how things go but this could be a valuable resource for lots of ebike owners even for those with li po batterys etc who want a cheaper alternative .
