When I came to this forum


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 24, 2023
When I came to this forum, I had just started back to cycling, I never really did it anyway before just the odd day in a year.

I had VERY bad pain from my right knee after falling directly on to it thanks to a woman driver (sorry) stopping no indication in front of me many years ago. Told Arthritis.

On 3rd July I have an appointment to get ready for surgery, that is now, as of Friday last cancelled by me, I have had NO, 0, NIL pain for almost a year since cycling.

At 66 and a single father I need to live as long as possible for my Autistic son Stephen who has told the social services when I die he will kill himself, (plans in place but no guarantee).

I have gone from a 48" waste to medium clothes, 22 stone to, today 13st 12lb and still losing, 100% simply by cutting out bread, cakes, takeaways, crisps (not all together just sensibly).



Oct 25, 2006
When I came to this forum, I had just started back to cycling, I never really did it anyway before just the odd day in a year.

I had VERY bad pain from my right knee after falling directly on to it thanks to a woman driver (sorry) stopping no indication in front of me many years ago. Told Arthritis.

On 3rd July I have an appointment to get ready for surgery, that is now, as of Friday last cancelled by me, I have had NO, 0, NIL pain for almost a year since cycling.

At 66 and a single father I need to live as long as possible for my Autistic son Stephen who has told the social services when I die he will kill himself, (plans in place but no guarantee).

I have gone from a 48" waste to medium clothes, 22 stone to, today 13st 12lb and still losing, 100% simply by cutting out bread, cakes, takeaways, crisps (not all together just sensibly).

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Good to hear, well done in every way Saracen.

Perhaps get Stephen online as a pedelecs member too, so whatever happens he can still feel connected with you through this interest you love so much.
