I got into battery repair this summer, replacing cells in two batteries that had gone unbalanced. I bought an inexpensive portable spot welder. Those deserve a thread of their own. Tradeoffs, the main one being lack of power, requiring thinner nickel strips. For replacing a row of cells, not so bad. I was already familiar with replacing the BMS, and using shrinkwrap.
After successful replacement, I decided to order some cells, and built a battery, Several years ago, I had a custom battery made by a builder, He charged me $5usd/cell for Panasonic 18650-GA cells, still a can't miss choice. Hard to find today, at almost 2x the price. For that reason, it's's difficult to justify building. I bought this summer, a blue shrinkwrapped 13S-2P for $80usd, and a 13S-3P for $107usd. using 21700 cells. While rated 10AH and 15AH. I'm seeing 8AH and 12AH.
My own 13-2P cost $130 for (budget ?) cells, $22 for BMS, and a few bucks for spacers, etc. However, I believe it's safer. The casings will never short circuit against each other and flame up. I'm using Lishen cells rated for 5AH, and they will deliver that on a tester at 500mA draw, drained down to 2.8V, On a bike where the controller shuts off at 3V/cell, I'm taking 4AH to recharge a 2P, so I guess that's realistic,